


美式发音: [ˈdɑlɪt] 英式发音: [ˈdælɪt]






1.达利特人,贱民(传统印度种姓制度中地位最低、最弱势的人)(in the traditional Indian caste system) a member of the caste that is considered the lowest and that has the fewest advantages

the Dapts' struggle for social and economic rights贱民争取社会和经济权利的斗争

n.1.someone who belongs to the lowest castesocial class in the traditional Hindu social system



6.贱民运动动,并且被一系列运动所补充:包括妇女、环保、人权及和平运动。而南亚社会运动的特点是贱民运动dapt),宗教改革和 …

7.大丽花 斯卡狄布开 Debka Shachar 大丽花 Dapt 雀跃 Belev Sameyah ...


1.Local elections were due, in which, as an affirmative-action measure, Shahabpur was to be reserved for a dapt pradhan.地方选举到期了,而在选举中,作为一个肯定的行动措施,沙哈普尔的普拉丹将留给达利特来当。

2.But among many dapt voters, unapologetic ostentation is part of her appeal, and the statue scandal may actually play to her advantage.不过,在达利特选民中,这种毫无歉意的高调做法正是其魅力所在,而塑像丑闻可能成为她的制胜法宝。

3.Ms Mayawati, a former primary-school teacher, is known for her love of diamonds and dapt-sized garlands of banknotes.玛雅瓦提以前是小学教师,她以爱钻石和钞票扎成的花环多如达利特而闻名。

4.If he had married a dapt, he says, "my family would not have been able to face society. "他说,如果自己和一个达利女子结婚,那么他的家人在外人面前再也抬不起头了。

5.Ms Mayawati vies to be a national figure, perhaps even India's first dapt prime minister.玛雅瓦蒂将冲刺国家领导人,或许成为印度第一位贱民总理。

6.He cites a study of ten states which found dapt children fed separately from their peers in over a third of rural schools.他援引了一项针对十个州进行的调查,表明在三分之一的乡村学校中,出身达利人的儿童仍不得与其同龄人在一张桌子上用餐。

7.The case dates back to 1991 when a teenage Dapt boy eloped with his girlfriend who was from a higher caste.案件发生在1991年,一名达利特少年与高种姓女友私奔。

8.A woman from the Dapt or formerly Untouchable castes , she is admired for her courage and persistence but also feared for her vengefulness.作为一个从达利特或前贱民种姓中走出来的女人,她的勇气和毅力令人钦佩,同时她的报复心也让人们担心。

9.If so, pink elephants and bronze statues may prove less effective in getting out the dapt vote.这样来看,可能粉象和铜雕对争取达利人的支持率来说都是浮云吧。

10.On this date in 1997, Narayanan became the first Dapt president of India.在1997年,他终于成为印度第一位贫民总统。