




1.破坏环境 5.make much progress 取得很大进步 6.damage the environment 破坏环境 7.speak about 说到( …

2.损害环境 ... 3. natural disaster 自然灾害 4. damage the environment 损害环境 5. according to 根据 ...


1.In other words, economic development that does not damage the environment, or parts of it.换言之,可持续发展就是指不破坏环境(或部分环境)的经济发展。

2.Do not throw garbage - that would further damage the environment, not spitting - the prevention of communicable diseases.不要乱扔垃圾——那会使环境遭到进一步破坏,不随地吐痰——防止传染病的发生。

3.What was not known at the time, however, was DDT's propensity to accumulate, persist and damage the environment.然而在那时没有人知道,滴滴涕有富集性,稳定性并且破坏环境。

4.This means that while raindrops can form, chemicals are often spread far and wide and potentially damage the environment.这意味着在制造雨滴的同时要大范围地喷洒化学物质,从而有可能对环境造成破坏。

5.Second: let green be green. No plastic bags or anything that damage the environment, unless you really bother to deal with the left over.二:把绿色进行到底。不欢迎塑料袋与瓜子等破坏环境的东西,除非你能记得把他们清理干净;

6.But Friends of the Earth Middle East says that would cost too much and could damage the environment.但是,中东地球之友称,这样成本太高,而且会毁坏环境。

7.biomass (in animal and plant material to obtain energy) means that the trees be cut down also damage the environment.生物质能(以动、植物材料取得能量)则意味着须大量砍伐树木,同样破坏环境。

8.Unauthorized developments may damage the environment.进行违例发展,会破坏环境。

9.Nowadays, many of us try to pve in a way that will damage the environment as pttle as possible.如今,许多人都力图以一种尽可能少破坏环境的方式生活。

10.They also use lead batteries that can damage the environment if they are not disposed of properly, and safety can be problematic too.电动自行车还是用铅蓄电池,如果处理不当,这些电池会给环境造成危害。还有,电动自行车的安全与否也受到了人们的置疑。