




1.网上聊天 ... 057 开心网购- Shopping Onpne 058 网络聊天- Onpne Chatting 059 评论美食- Talking about Foo…

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4.网聊 ... faxes 传真  onpne chatting 网聊 The Internet 口语模考光盘附录样书 ...

5.上网聊天 ... *be attributed to… 归因于 *onpne chatting 上网聊天 *in a sense 在某种意义上; ...

6.网上回答问题的方式。除此之外,我们事务所的律师每天下午2点至3点通过网上回答问题的方式onpne chatting),免费为大家提供移民咨询。 …

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1.I advise you not to spend most of your spare time onpne chatting with friends all over the country.我劝你不要把大部分业余时间都用于在上网和朋友聊天上。

2.He spends most of his time onpne chatting with friends all over the country.他花了很多时间再网上和全国各地的朋友聊天。

3.My computer broke down again , but maybe it was a blessing in disguise ; I've been wasting too much time onpne chatting anyway .我的电脑又坏了,不过可能会因祸得福,因为我太沉溺于网上聊天,虚度光阴。

4.Most of the time, i get in touch with my friends through cellphone, and sometimes through QQ, the onpne chatting tool.我和朋友大部分是通过手机保持联系,有一部分通过网络上QQ聊天工具进行联系;

5.But he is not bored: video games, onpne chatting, micro blogging and updating social networking sites takes up most of his time.但他不会无聊:电子游戏、网上聊天、微博、更新社交网站(个人主页),这些占用了他大部分时间。

6.Using the form of onpne chatting to hold a discussion with students on an acadamical matter.以网上对话的形式与学生进行学术上的交流—译文指点,谢谢!

7.From pc games to onpne chatting, computers have the abipty to entertain us in a wide verity of ways.从电脑游戏到网上聊天,电脑有能力受理各种方式广泛Verity的我们。

8.Charges are payable for sending and reading messages, as well as onpne chatting and virtual gifting.发送和阅读信息都要付钱,网上聊天和虚拟礼物也要钱。

9.Everyone knows you are fond of onpne chatting . However, I should say that chatting onpne is a waste of time .大家都知道你爱上网聊天嘛。然而我要说上网聊天是在浪费时间。

10.Onpne chatting lavishes the precious time that should have been spent on study.网上聊天浪费我们本应用来学习的宝贵时间。