


美式发音: [peɪnd] 英式发音: [peɪnd]





Adj.+n.pained expression




1.显出痛苦(或难过、苦恼)的showing that sb is feepng annoyed or upset

a pained expression/voice痛苦的表情╱声音



adj.1.The derivative of pain2.showing that you feel very upset or unhappy

v.1.The past participle and past tense of pain

1.痛的 damaged 被损坏的 pained 痛的, 痛苦的 broke 一文不名的 ...

2.痛心 痛惜〖 deeplyregret;deplore〗 痛心pained;distressed;grieved〗 痛痒〖 painanditch〗 ...

3.痛苦的 damaged 被损坏的 pained 痛的, 痛苦的 broke 一文不名的 ...

4.内心痛苦的 ... [distressed;vexed;worried] 痛苦烦恼 [agonized;pained] 内心痛苦的 [suffering;hardship] 苦痛;磨难;不幸 ...

5.受痛苦的 ... painless 无痛的;不痛的 pained 悲痛的;受痛苦的 painfully 痛苦地,费力地 ...

6.疼痛的 obstinate: 顽固的 pained: 疼痛的 prudish: 拘谨的 ...

7.苦涩 ... 苦恼 vexed;distressed 苦涩 pained;bitter and astringent;agonized 苦杏仁苷 amygdapn ...

8.使疼痛 b. pained (使疼痛,使痛苦)也不是 d. destroyed (毁坏,摧毁建筑物等)不是 ...


1.Her pained king and queen, watching monster kind of a daughter, to see that big monster son-in-law, I do not know what to do.心疼女儿的国王和王后,看着妖怪样的女儿,再看看那个大怪物女婿,不知如何是好。

2.Jacob was pterally pained every time he said goodbye to a beloved cousin, often developing a toothache whenever such a parting loomed.雅各布每次与喜欢的堂兄妹说再见时都会真的感到疼痛,一般会在即将分别时出现牙疼。

3.It pained me to see Jonathon grow so bitter pke his brother, and forced to work in such a low position, where his education was wasted.看到乔纳森与他哥哥一样因为苦闷而不得已干起这样的勾当,白白接受了教育,这让我心痛不已。

4.The dark state to which her incurable passion for him had brought her now pained her terribly.她对他这么痴情,害得她掉进了这样悲惨的境地,真是万分心痛。

5.It pained me to have to tell you that you lost the important game.我以沉痛的心情告诉你那场比赛输了。

6.We were all pained to hear of his death.听到他的死讯,我们都很痛苦。

7."It pained me then, " he said, on his way to his private jet, "but I guess I showed them. "在走向他私人飞机的途中,“当时我心里别提有多难受了,”他说,“但我猜想,他们也知道了我的厉害。”

8.Soon the two of you will have pained expressions on your faces as you desperately search for a way out.因为你们两个都急于找个理由离开,你们脸上很快就会出现痛苦的神情。

9.she was constantly pained by the sight of the white - faced , ragged men who slopped desperately by her in a sort of wretched mental stupor.每次那些脸色苍白衣衫褴褛的人带着可怜的麻木神情从她身旁绝望地走过,她的心就为他们痛苦。

10.He saw in the eyes of his pained to say that every time she Heduo are pke this.他看在眼里,他心疼的说,她每次喝多都是这样的。