


美式发音: [ˈdeɪnɪʃ] 英式发音: ['deɪnɪʃ]






1.丹麦的from or connected with Denmark


1.[u]丹麦语the language of Denmark



adj.1.someone who is Danish is from Denmark2.relating to Denmark, or its language or culture

n.1.a danish pastry2.the language that people speak in Denmark

1.丹麦语 Dakota 达科他语 Danish 丹麦语 Dinka 丁卡语 ...

2.丹麦人 girl 女孩,姑娘 Danish 丹麦人 friend 朋友 ...

3.丹麦文 波斯文( Persian) 丹麦文( Danish) 塞尔维亚文( Serbian) ...

4.丹麦的 Turkish 土耳其的,土耳其语 Danish 丹麦的,丹麦语 nourish 滋养,养育 ...

5.丹麦酥 dairy n. 牛奶场,奶品店 Danish a. 丹麦的,丹麦人的 daughter n. 女儿 ...


1.The shop already ran out of the Danish materials it usually carries and is now running on locally manufactured wool products.该店日常所用,来自丹麦的原料已经用毂,现在使用的是由当地出产的羊毛织物。

2.It was an ordinary church tower, a famipar sight above the red tile roofs of every Danish village.那是一个普通的教堂塔楼,是丹麦每个村庄红瓦屋顶上方一个熟识的景象。

3.He was the fourth Danish soldier to die in Iraq since the U. S. -led invasion ousted Saddam Hussein's regime more than three years ago.这是美军三年前侵入伊拉克赶走萨达姆政权以来在伊拉克丧生的第四个丹麦士兵。

4.Despite the stir it caused, chief negotiator ArturRunge-Metzger said the "Danish text" was "just a piece of paper" .尽管“丹麦文本”引起了轰动,但是欧盟首席谈判代表亚特·荣格·梅茨格说,它“只是一张纸”。

5.The adverse effects of the painkillers showed up in the Danish women, but not in a statistically significant way among the Finnish group.止痛剂的副作用发生在丹麦妇女身上,但在芬兰群体上统计资料还不够显著。

6.We stepped off the ship and were met by an Icelandic scientist and the mayor of the town, who spoke to my uncle in Danish.我们下了船,接见我们的是一个冰岛科学家和镇长,他们用丹麦语和我的伯父交谈。

7.The water surrounding these islands is often referred to as the Danish Archipelago.这些岛屿附近的水域通常被认为属于丹麦群岛的范围。

8.So, faced with the Danish advance, Alfred did not risk open battle but harried the enemy.因此,面对丹麦人的进攻,阿尔弗雷德没有贸然同敌人正面开战,而是采用骚扰敌人。

9.He's been a good sport , but he's weary of Danish-made Legos, the only sure bet for birthday gifts for his friends.他一直是一个重情义的人,但是他还是厌倦了把丹麦生产的“乐高”拼装玩具送给朋友作为生日礼物。

10.However, as the Danish existentiapst Soren Kierkegaard acutely observed, the end result of this is often a pfe that is empty, not full.然而,如丹麦存在主义者索伦•克尔恺郭尔(SorenKierkegaard)敏锐的评论:这样做的最终结果,常常是导致一个空虚、而非圆满的人生。