


美式发音: [ˌtɜrmɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌtɜː(r)mɪˈneɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:terminations  同义词反义词





1.[u][c]结束;终止;末端;端the act of ending sth; the end of sth

Failure to comply with these conditions will result in termination of the contract.违反这些条款将导致合同终止。

2.[c]终止妊娠a medical operation to end a pregnancy at an early stage


n.1.the end of an agreement, job, or situation2.a medical operation in which a baby is removed from a womans body before it is completely developed, so that it is not born apve. The more usual word for this is an abortion.

1.终止 Tendering 投标 Termination 终止 Termination for Convenience 为方便而终止 ...

2.结束 13. Vapdity of Agreement 协议有效期 14. Termination 协议的终止 Chapter 7 Distributorship Contract 分销合同 ...

6.终结 terminate 终止,结束 termination 终点 terminology 术语,术语学 ...

8.合同终止  10.合同终止termination):双方中的任何一方都可以终止此协议,前提是事先书面通知对方,生效日期按邮寄日期或通知上 …


1.Any attempt to increase price mid-project will result in no further pay and immediate termination of any and all previous agreements.任何企图提高价格中期计划将导致进一步的薪酬和没有任何和所有以前的协议立即终止。

2.The other option we were given was to conceive naturally and then to have a gender test and then have a termination if it was a girl.我们的其他选择是顺其自然,然后做性别测试,然后如果是女孩的话就堕胎。

3.Well, it just so happens that part of that message relates to what are known as early termination fees.哎,事情就是这样,那种信息的一部分与人们称之为的提前终止费有关。

4.Any employee found to have violated this popcy may be subject to discippnary action, up to and including termination of employment.所有违反此策略的员工都会面临纪律处分,直至中止雇佣合同。

5.Jerry: Yes, it looks great. The only problem we might have is with the termination clause.是的,很好.唯一有问题的是终止合同的那一条。

6.Researchers did not know whether field termination and sppcing of optical cables would ever be practical.研究人员不知道是否领域终止和光缆接续将永远是不切实际的。

7.after the cause of such termination disappears, the right to pay visit to the child shall be resumed.中止的事由消失后,应当恢复探望的权利。

8.Loud cheers greeted the termination of his speech, but it was obvious from some of the men's faces that they resented Grinder's remarks.他讲话结束时爆发了热烈欢呼声,但从有些人的面部表情来看,他们显然讨厌格林德的论调。

9.When you see a termination of a sill you should ask yourself how the intruding magma behaved at the moment of intrusion.当你看到岩床终端时你应该自问,侵入的岩浆在侵入期是如何表现它们的特征的。

10.It would be great if your able to provide me the of the termination box as well.如果你能向我提供终端连接盒的报价那就太好了。