


网络释义:命令;McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development;与非门


1.命令 (dict 命令+ (mand 命令+ (cekid 独身+ ...

2.McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular DevelopmentC.,Ouyang W.C., Wu M.Y. "McCarron Assessment of Neuromuscular Development (MAND): Psychomotor function in schizo…

3.与非门 MVS 最小视频信号 MAND 与非门 OUT-OF-PHASE 反相,不同相 ...

4.丈夫 * 妻子= Kone *丈夫= Mand * 女儿= Datter ...

5.这一段 ... **** debian:apt-get install xbmc (加媒体源后) sleep---mand 这一段 update-grub 即可修复 ...


1.In basketball matches he is one of the top shooters, meanwhile, he is famous for his songs and his music mand.在篮球比赛中的他是一个顶尖的射手,与此同时,他最著名的作品是他唱的歌,他的音乐多尘。

2.But it ap-pears the law never envisioned the booming software industry that grew out of the de-mand for wireless-phone data.但是似乎法律从来没有预见到软件产业的发展那么急速,它大大超出了对无线电话数据增长的需求。

3.When electrification began in earnest in the first years of the century, de-mand for shellac soon outstripped supply.当电气化在本世纪初真正开始发展时,紫胶很快就变得供不应求。

4.That's the part of the tape you've got to watch, Mand.那是你必须看的那部分,曼。

5.He found himself elevated to the position of Mand'alor, the leader of the Mandalorian warriors and ruler of Mandalore itself.他发现自己被推上“曼达洛王”的位置,成为了曼达洛战士的领袖和曼达洛星球的统治者。

6.RBAC is access control mechanism which can satisfy more security de- mand of system.RBAC是一种能够满足系统多方面安全需求的访问控制机制。

7.Results There exist 17 varieties of amino acid and mand small molecular of peptide in the injection of cerebroprotein hydrolysate.结果脑蛋白水解物注射液含有十七种氨基酸和低分子肽。

8.machine men with machine minds mand machine hearts.这些像机器一样思想机械毫无感情的人

9.One day, when the mand carried a box of books it fell on his foot.估计是搬书的工具)搬着一箱子书时,它倒在了汉特的脚上。

10.keep their mouths shut and mand their own business?他们为什么不闭嘴去关心一下自己的事情呢?