




1.达尔富尔达尔富尔Darfur)地区位于苏丹西部,自北至南依次与利比亚、乍得、中非等国毗邻,面积50多万平方公里,约占全国总面 …


3.苏丹达佛发生在非洲苏丹达佛Darfur)的种族大屠杀,以及发生在中南半岛缅甸的血腥屠杀,国际谴责的矛头全部指向中共。为何一个 …

4.苏丹达尔富尔苏丹达尔富尔(Darfur)地区位于苏丹西部,与乍得接壤,面积约占全国总面积的五分之一。这里地势较高,降雨量多,自然条件 …

5.达尔福尔欢迎访问达尔福尔(Darfur)黄页惠特拉什 走近美国 » 通过邮编浏览达尔福尔(Darfur)黄页 1.Aiken Evelyn D 2.Lotton B A 3.Lotton …

6.达佛地区天苏丹南部战火四起的达佛地区Darfur)发生攻击事件,联合国维和部队人员在巡逻时受到攻击,造成其中 1人死亡,另有2 …

7.达富尔但随著达富尔Darfur)种族屠杀问题成为联合国关心的焦点,并为此采取各种不同的干预手段后出现了2005 年的「全面和平 …

8.苏丹的达尔富尔苏丹的达尔富尔(Darfur)地区位于苏丹西部,与乍得接壤,面积约占全国总面积的五分之一。 回答:2011-03-09 10:47 提问者对 …


1.He said Darfur in western Sudan is still reepng from a devastating war exacerbated by a shortage of water and fertile land.他还提到苏丹西部的达尔富尔仍在遭受一场伴随水资源短缺和土地贫瘠加剧的毁灭性的战争。

2.The president has spoken for some time of his resolve to help the peacekeeping mission in Darfur.布什总统一段时间以来一直谈到他决心帮助达尔富尔的维和使命。

3.GE spokeswoman Deidre Latour said the company spoke to the IOC on a variety of issues, of which the Darfur issue was just one.通用电气发言人迪德尔•拉图尔(DeidreLatour)说,公司就很多问题与IOC进行了讨论,达尔富尔问题只是其中之一。

4.A piece of paper would not bring immediate repef to displaced women in Darfur, he said, but it was a start.他说道,一纸协议或许不能够给达尔富尔流离的妇女立马带来援助,但这是一个开始。

5.China is defending its stance on Sudan, arguing that it has taken a constructive role in trying to settle the confpct in war-torn Darfur.中国为其苏丹问题的立场辩护,辩称已经为努力解决被战争蹂躏的达尔富尔地区的冲突扮演了一个建设性的角色。

6.Darfur ex-girlfriend although she said the test results are negative, but she asked Alomar to her mental anguish caused by compensation.前女友达尔称虽然她的检查结果是阴性的,不过她要求阿洛玛对她所造成的精神损失进行赔偿。

7.A Samsung spokeswoman said the company wasn't certain who the Darfur group had contacted within the organization.三星的发言人则称其不清楚达尔富尔组织是与公司什么人探讨这一问题的。

8."It seems odd since I've only met Berlusconi once and that was in an attempt to get aid into Darfur, " Clooney said in a statement.克鲁尼发表声明说:“这貌似很奇怪,因为我只见过贝鲁斯科尼一次,那还是为了援助达尔富尔的事。”

9.For some time, the question of Darfur, Sudan has been a focus of attention of the international community.一段时间以来,苏丹达尔富尔问题是国际社会关注的焦点之一。

10.On your second question, it's witnessed by all that China follows the Darfur issue closely and plays a constructive role.关于你的第二个问题,中方对达尔富尔问题高度关注,同时也发挥着建设性作用,这是有目共睹的。