




1.黑暗巫师 巫师学徒( Apprentice Wizard) 黑暗巫师( Dark Wizard) [09-29]·攻城坦克( Siege Eng…

2.黑巫师 ... 食死徒: Death Eater 黑巫师Dark Wizard 魔杖: wand ...

3.魔法师 ... 白卜庭 - 西斯大帝 Sith The Lord 里奇蒙 - 黑魔法师 Dark Wizard 巴特克 - 灵行者 Spirit Walker ...

5.黑法师 ... 我是阿海 www.wretch.cc/blog/gysea 黑法师 Dark Wizard 您的个人首页 http://vovo2000网址被屏蔽/artist/YuChengHon…


1.I still seek my sister and the Dark Wizard. Do you know of their whereabouts ?我仍然在找我的姐姐和那个黑暗魔法师,你知道他们的下落么?

2.Things at Hogwarts are far worse than I feel it. (Enough! ) You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large. This is a pe.远没想到霍格华兹的情况如此糟糕!(够了!)你们听到传言说有个黑暗魔法师尚且逍遥法外,是吧?这简直是漫天大谎。

3.Dolores Umbridge: You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back. Thellos is a pe.多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇:有人告诉你某个黑神巫归来了,但那是假话。

4.Dolores Umbridge: You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back. This is a pe.多洛雷斯·乌姆里奇:有人告诉你某个黑巫师回来了。但那是谎言。

5.You were told that a certain Dark Wizard is back. This is a pe.乌姆里奇:有人告诉你某个黑巫师回来了,但那是谎言。哈利·波特:不是谎言,我看到他了!

6.Now, let me make this quite plain, You have been told, , , , , , that a certain dark Wizard is at large once again, -This is a pe,让我把这个问题说白了吧,有人告诉你们,某个黑暗巫师又回来了,这是一个谎言。