


美式发音: [ˌi es ˈti] 英式发音: [ˌiː es ˈtiː]

abbr.〈美(=eastern standard time)东部时间

网络释义:表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag);东部标准时间(eastern standard time);酯酶(esterase)


abbr.1.〈美〉(=eastern standard time)东部时间

abbr.1.<AmE>(=eastern standard time)

na.1.Eastern Standard Time: the time used from October to April in the Eastern U.S.

1.表达序列标签(expressed sequence tag)表达序列标签(EST)比较测序; 基因表达系列分析(SAGE); cDNA芯片; 消减克隆, 如代表性差异分析(RDA);差异展 …

2.东部标准时间(eastern standard time)澳洲有三个时区:东部标准时间EST)区,包括新南威尔士省、澳洲首都领地、维多利来省、塔斯曼尼亚和昆士兰省;中部标 …

3.酯酶(esterase)通过酯酶 (EST)、苹果酸酶 (ME)、磷酸葡萄糖异构酶〔PGI(NADP)〕、磷酸葡萄糖变位酶〔PGM(NAD)〕、超氧化物歧化酶 (S…

4.十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术  十二指肠乳头括约肌切开术EST)特别适合于胆总管结石患者,无论其是否已行胆囊切除术;对于老年患者、合并有其它系 …

5.美国东部时间美国东部时间比北京时间晚13个小时,例如美国东部时间(EST)是7月3日上午3点,北京时间就是7月3日16点。真的想要某个域 …


1.Whether there might be a role for carotid ultrasound as an adjunctive test in all patients referred for EST deserves further study.颈动脉超声是否在所有进行运动负荷试验病人都能作为辅助诊断,有待于进一步研究。

2.She removed her spectacles and, almost with an air of mourning, said, 'Le vrai moleskine n'est plus. '她摘掉眼镜,带着近乎悲痛的样子说:‘再也没有真正的moleskine了’。

3.Life is a task to be done. It is a fine thing to say defunctus est; it means that the man has done his task.人生是一个必须完成的任务,说“任务已经完成”是一件好事,意思是人必须完成他的任务。

4.Thus, it was concluded that EST marker of mature tuber was not enough to discriminate the potato germplasms used in the experiments. 3.由此说明,仅通过成熟块茎EST同工酶标记不能对供试马铃薯种质资源进行准确的鉴别。

5.Est 6: 13 And Haman told Zeresh his wife and all his friends every thing that had befallen him.斯6:13将所遇的一切事,详细说给他的妻细利斯和他的众朋友听。

6."I was just a jerk, " the musician, 35, tells Anthony Mason during an interview airing this weekend on CBS Sunday Morning at 9 a. m. EST.“我只是个混球,”这位35岁的音乐家本周末在东部时间周日上午9点哥伦比亚广播公司播出的采访中告诉安东尼梅森。

7.Discovery, which is slated for pftoff at 4: 50 p. m. EST Thursday, is due to arrive Saturday for a week-long stay.发现号,将于美国东部标准时间星期四下午4:50升空,预计星期六到达,并停靠一个星期。

8.Dearest, darpng-est Benedict Cumberbatch. I love you. But that's beside the point.最最亲爱的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,我爱你。但这不是我要说的重点。

9.Some differences in EST and SOD were observed between the two groupers , which can be used as the species genetic markers.SOD酶谱间存在不同程度的种间差异,可作为鉴定点带石斑鱼与褐点石斑鱼的遗传标记。

10.Let me know your price and est. time needed and I'll make payment right away if we reach agreement.让我知道自己的价格,估计值所需的时间,我会马上付款,如果我们达成一致意见。