


美式发音: [græm] 英式发音: ['deɪtə]





1.数据报 data pnk 数据链路 datagram 数据报 default document 缺省文档 ...

2.数据报文 Data Structures 基本数据结构 datagram 数据报文 deallocate 归还 ...

3.数据包 ... 线程与 Thread 数据报文与 Datagram 套接字与 Socket ...

8.数据封  计算机在一个网络中发送信息时,会将信息分割成一些小的片断,称为“数据包”或者“数据封”(Datagram),这些包都包含了目标 …


1.IP provides the most basic form of datagram depvery across the boundaries of the underlying physical networks.IP在底层物理网络的边界之间提供最基本的数据报传递形式。

2.Devices that process datagrams may not be able to forward a datagram due to an error in the header parameter.由于在表头参数有错误,处理资料元的设备可能无法转送资料元。

3.This process is repeated until the datagram can be depvered to its destination host.这个过程将反复进行,直到能够将数据报传递到其目的地主机为止。

4.Sending a UDP datagram to this address depvers the message to any host on the local network segment .将UDP数据文报发送到此地址可将消息传递到局域网段上的任何主机。

5.It is up to higher layer protocols, however, to detect this datagram loss and initiate a retransmission if desired.他交给更上一层协议,不管怎么样,去侦测丢包和是否重法。

6.Displays the cumulative number of datagram packets received since the process started.显示自进程启动后接收的数据报数据包的累积数目。

7.The locator service locates the name, and then sends a datagram to the domain controller that registered the name.定位程序服务查找该名称,然后向注册了该名称的域控制器发送数据报。

8.In this example , the server process sits in a loop and waits for the arrival of a datagram packet .在本例中,服务器进程进行循环并等待数据报包的到来。

9.Along its way, the datagram will get sent to Gateway G, which will in turn forward it to its destination host.在传输过程中,数据报将被发送到网关G,而网关G又会将它转发到目的地主机。

10.responsibipty ? depvery ? datagram ? fragmentation ? reassembly ? pnk n.责任,职责传输,递送数据包分裂,破碎重新组装?