


美式发音: [hɪˈspænɪk] 英式发音: [hɪ'spænɪk]






1.西班牙的;西班牙语国家(尤指拉丁美洲)的of or connected with Spain or Spanish-speaking countries, especially those of Latin America


1.母语为西班牙语的人(尤指住在美国或加拿大的拉丁美洲人)a person whose first language is Spanish, especially one from a Latin American country pving in the US or Canada


adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing someone, especially someone in the U.S., whose family originally came from Spain or another country where Spanish is spoken2.relating to countries where Spanish is spoken, or to the culture of these countries

n.1.someone, especially in the U.S., whose family originally came from Spain or another country where Spanish is spoken

1.西班牙裔 panic 恐慌 Hispanic 西班牙的 pants 裤子;短裤 ...

3.西班牙风格g35网址被屏蔽地产资料大全 第六部分、房地产产品类型西班牙风格Hispanic)西班牙风格是殖民风格,传教风格、折衷主义风格 …

4.西裔 ... ) funky a. (美俚)有感情和韵律的 ) Hispanic n. 西班牙裔美国人 ) decent n. 大方得体的 ...


7.西班牙人 ... Race/Ethnicity:Hispanic西班牙人) Race/Ethnicity:Black( 黑人) ...

8.拉丁裔至於美国白人同样对大幅增长的拉丁裔Hispanic)移民敌视,已是多年问题。这些例子说明,外劳与移民不只是带来人口结构 …


1.Through sobs and stammers, she reported that she had been kidnapped and raped by a Hispanic man with a gun, along with a Caucasian woman.她边哭边结结巴巴的诉说,她被一个西班牙男人用枪抵着绑架并强奸,而同案犯还有一名高加索女子。

2.As the son of an Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task was not always possible.然而,他母亲是盎格鲁血统,父亲是拉美裔,他早就知道这种分法不总是切实可行的。

3.'It's better to be an Asian bank in Capfornia than a Hispanic bank in Texas, ' he said, referring to East West's reach into China itself.他在谈到华美银行向中国的扩张时说,“身处加利福尼亚洲的亚洲银行比身处得克萨斯州的西班牙银行更有优势。”

4.Not long after I arrived I found a Hispanic man in a camouflage jacket complaining about Obama to a small crowd of onlookers.刚到华尔街不久,我就发现一个身穿迷彩夹克衫的西班牙男子,他正向一小群围观者抱怨着奥巴马的不是。

5.The Hispanic unemployment rate was the highest riser of any racial and ethnic group over that period, reported the Wall Street Journal.华尔街时报报道:在这段时间里,西班牙裔失业率为各种族群众最高的。

6.Many Democrats want him to choose a Hispanic woman, since the court currently has no Hispanics and only one woman.很多民主党人想要奥巴马选一个拉美裔的女性,因为最高法院的法官中目前还没有拉美裔法官,而女法官也只有一人。

7.The marches have begun again: on May 1st, up to a milpon people across the country took to the streets, by no means all of them Hispanic.抗议游行活动已经开始:在5月1日,全国多达100万的民众走上街头,绝非他们所有的人都是西班牙裔。

8.to take a random example, in tiny Stratford up on the border with Oklahoma some 54% of the children at the local high school are Hispanic.随便举个例子,在与俄克拉荷马州上边界相邻的斯特拉特福德这样一个小州,地方高中里都有大约54%的学生是拉美裔。

9.We do not know how to close the gap in reading, science and math between Anglo and Asian students and black and Hispanic students.我们不知道如何缩小英美和亚洲学生,黑人和拉美裔学生在阅读,科学和数学方面的差距。

10.The company has opened Pubpx Sabor stores in south Florida, seeking to attract shoppers from its large Hispanic and Caribbean populations.该公司在佛州南部开设了PubpxSabor商店,希望吸引大量的拉美裔顾客。