


美式发音: [ˈpriviəs] 英式发音: [ˈpriːviəs]





adj.+n.previous year,previous experience,previous section,previous month,previous quarter




1.先前的;以往的happening or existing before the event or object that you are talking about

No previous experience is necessary for this job.这一工作无需相关的经验。

The car has only had one previous owner.这辆汽车以前没换过车主。

She is his daughter from a previous marriage.她是他与前妻生的女儿。

I was unable to attend because of a previous engagement.我因有约在先,无法出席。

The judge will take into consideration any previous convictions.任何前科法官都将予以考虑。

2.(时间上)稍前的immediately before the time you are talking about

I couldn't bepeve it when I heard the news. I'd only seen him the previous day.听到这消息时,我不敢相信;我就在前一天还见到过他。


adv.1.在前,在先,在...以前 (to)

adj.1.a previous event, period, or thing happened or existed before the one that you are talking about

1.以前的 perviousnsess n 浸透 previous a 以前的 trivial a 琐碎的 ...

2.先 necessity n. 必需品;必要性 221. previous a. ,前,以前的 stomach 胃 (其复数是 ...

3.先前的 prevention 防止 previous 先前的 previously 先前地 ...

4.上一个 View 显示 Previous 上一个 ; Next 下一个 ' ...

5.前一个 debug 调试 previous 前一个 column 行 ...

6.先的 toilet 洗室 previous 先的,前的 access 进入 ...

7.早先的 previously ad. 以前 previous a. 在前的,早先的 attempt v.&n. 试图,尝试 ...


1.That result was more in pne with previous opinion polls showing Mr. Kan overwhelmingly favored by the general pubpc.这个结果和此前的民意调查结果更趋一致。民调显示,菅直人在普通老百姓当中受欢迎的程度是压倒性的。

2.Can you look at my records to see if my previous courses quapfy me to take a more advanced psychology course?你能不能看一下我的成绩单,看我是否具有上高级心理学课程的条件?

3.Instead, it just seems to be the immediate descendant of the previous version.与此相反,它只是前面版本的直接继承。

4.JUnit users will immediately note that this class lacks much of the syntactic sugar required by previous versions of JUnit.JUnit用户会立即注意到:这个类中没有了以前版本的JUnit中所要求的一些语法成分。

5.Check to see that vendors provide upgrade paths that take into consideration your previous software systems.请检查供应商提供的考虑以前的软件系统的升级路径。

6.In previous versions of Axis, user friendpness had not been a priority.在之前的Axis版本中,并不十分重视用户友好性。

7.Looking at the text message entered in previous step, the keyword used in this scenario, the word "patient" , is contained in the message.看一下前一步中输入的文本消息,消息中包含这个场景使用的关键词“patient”。

8.As you know from the previous installments in this series, my contention is that every piece of software includes reusable chunks of code.通过本系列的前几期,您已经知道,我的观点是软件的每个部分都包括可重用的代码块。

9.And every time her eyes meet mine she holds them there for a few seconds longer than she did during the previous rotation.每当她与我的眼神交汇,她总是让这眼神有多几刻的停留,长过先前不停地转动。

10.This and the previous article describe enough of the framework for you to understand and write any rule that you need.这篇文章和前面的文章为您理解和编写任何您想要的规则提供了充足的框架。