


美式发音: [deɪt] 英式发音: [deɪt]




复数:dates  现在分词:dating  过去式:dated  搭配同义词

v.+n.set date,fix date,change date,confirm date,arrange date

adj.+n.early date,same date,actual date,definite date,final date

n.day,day of the week,time,age,period

v.court,go out,see,pay court to,go with


date显示所有例句n.— see alsoout of date,up to date日期particular day

1.[c]日期;日子a particular day of the month, sometimes in a particular year, given in numbers and words

‘What's the date today?’ ‘The 10th.’“今天几号?”“ 10 号。”

Write today's date at the top of the page.在页面顶端写上今天的日期。

We need to fix a date for the next meeting.我们得为下次会议定个日期。

They haven't set a date for the wedding yet.他们尚未确定举行婚礼的日期。

I can't come on that date.那个日子我来不了。

Please give your name, address and date of birth .请报姓名、地址和出生日期。

name, address and birth date姓名、地址和出生日期

There's no date on this letter.这封信未注明日期。

过去;将来past time/future

2.[sing][u]年代;时期;时候a time in the past or future that is not a particular day

The details can be added at a later date .细节可过些时候再补充进去。

The work will be carried out at a future date .这项工作将来再做。

a building of late Roman date罗马时代后期的建筑

约见arrangement to meet

3.[c]会晤时间;约见时间an arrangement to meet sb at a particular time

Call me next week and we'll try and make a date .下周打电话给我,我们争取定个见面时间。

异性约会romantic meeting

4.[c]约会;幽会a meeting that you have arranged with a boyfriend or girlfriend or with sb who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend

I've got a date with Lucy tomorrow night.明天晚上我与露西有个约会。

Paul's not coming. He's got a hot date(= an exciting one) .保罗不来了。他有一个朝思夜盼的幽会。

5.[c]约会对象a boyfriend or girlfriend with whom you have arranged a date

My date is meeting me at seven.我的对象七点钟与我见面。


6.[c](北非和西亚常见的海枣树的)海枣,椰枣a sweet sticky brown fruit that grows on a tree called adate palm , common in N Africa and W Asia


To date, we have received over 200 reppes.到目前为止,我们已收到 200 多封回信。

The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。

to date迄今为止;到目前为止;直到现在until now

To date, we have received over 200 reppes.到目前为止,我们已收到 200 多封回信。

The exhibition contains some of his best work to date.这个展览有他迄今为止一些最好的作品。

v.写日期write date

1.[t]~ sth注明日期;写上日期to write or print the date on sth

Thank you for your letter dated 24th March.你 3 月 24 日来函收悉,谢谢。

确定年代find age

2.[t]~ sth (at/to sth)确定年代to say when sth old existed or was made

The skeleton has been dated at about 2 000 BC.这骨架的年代为公元前 2000 年左右。

衣服;词语of clothes/words

3.[i]过时;不流行to become old-fashioned

She designs classic clothes which do not date.她设计的服装式样古朴,不会过时。


4.[t]~ sb使…显老;显出…的年龄大if sthdates you, it shows that you are fairly old or older than the people you are with

I was at the Woodstock festival─that dates me, doesn't it?我参加了伍德斯托克摇滚音乐节,那说明我老了,是不是?

有恋爱关系have relationship

5.[t][i]~ (sb)与(某人)谈恋爱to have a romantic relationship with sb

She's been dating Ron for several months.她与罗恩谈恋爱已有数月。


v.1.〈美口〉和...约会2.给...注明日期3.断定(事物的)年代4.起,始 (from)5.记有日子6.进行约会1.〈美口〉和...约会2.给...注明日期3.断定(事物的)年代4.起,始 (from)5.记有日子6.进行约会

n.1.the name and number of a particular day or year; a particular day, month, or year when something happens; a time in the past or future2.someone who you have arranged to meet as part of a sexual or romantic relationship3.an arrangement to meet someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with4.a sweet brown sticky fruit with a hard narrow seed inside that grows on palm trees1.the name and number of a particular day or year; a particular day, month, or year when something happens; a time in the past or future2.someone who you have arranged to meet as part of a sexual or romantic relationship3.an arrangement to meet someone who you are having or starting a sexual or romantic relationship with4.a sweet brown sticky fruit with a hard narrow seed inside that grows on palm trees

v.1.if you and another person are dating, or if you are dating someone, the two of you are having a sexual or romantic relationship with each other2.to write the date on something3.to discover exactly how old something is or when it was made by examining it carefully or making scientific tests4.to seem no longer modern or fashionable5.to prove that you are starting to get old or are older than the people you are talking to1.if you and another person are dating, or if you are dating someone, the two of you are having a sexual or romantic relationship with each other2.to write the date on something3.to discover exactly how old something is or when it was made by examining it carefully or making scientific tests4.to seem no longer modern or fashionable5.to prove that you are starting to get old or are older than the people you are talking to

1.日期 thirtieth num. 第三十 date n. 日期 happy adj. 愉快的;高兴的;满意的 ...

2.时间 2008年04月08日 Apr 08th,2008 时 间 DATE 编 号 NO. ...

3.约会 dark n. 黑暗;暗处;日暮 date n. 日期;约会 daughter n. 女儿 ...

4.日期型 被委托人身份证复印件: ID copy of the trustee: 年 月 日 Date: 委托方签字盖章: Chop of the trustor: ...

6.枣 peanut 花生 date chestnut 粟 ...

7.日子 intend 想要,打算 date 日期,日子 kind 种,类 ...


1.Yes, i think we could bring the date forward by a week or so. But i'd have to check with headquarters before i can give you a firm promise.是的。我想我们可以将日期推迟两个星期左右。但我要向总部请示后才能给你一个正式答复。

2.and that I got sort of a date later on tonight, so I'm going out.晚上我有个约会所以我会出去一会

3.If you specify the AllowMerge parameter, the name of the subfolder to which content is exported will not include a date-time stamp.如果指定AllowMerge参数,将内容导出到的子文件夹的名称将不会包含日期时间戳。

4.Users can subscribe to your Depcious bookmarks and Twitter updates so they are always up-to-date with your latest offerings.用户可以订阅您的Depcious书签和Twitter更新,以便及时了解您最新提供的内容。

5.Even though he'd had a bad time on the date, John told a white pe and said he'd had fun.即使那次约会并不愉快,约翰还是撒了善意的谎言说他玩得很开心。

6.Within a week he made the 245-mile round trip from his home in Perth up to me in the Highlands for our first date.为了赶赴我们的第一次约会,他从佩思的家出发,花了不到一周的时间,历经245英里的行程来到我住的高地。

7.The ideal time to ask a woman for a date is when she has said something relevant to her personapty.理想的提出约会的时间是,当她已经说过一些关于她的个性的事情之后。

8.But be sure to write down how much money you withdrew so that you can keep your records up to date.但一定要记下了多少钱,你退出,让您可以保留您的记录更新。

9.When he got to the corner store he telephoned back to ask me on a date.他到街上打回来一个电话,请我约会。

10.You don't have to call it a date, but just schedule time with them on a regular basis to do something together.你不必称之为约会,仅仅是安排一个时间和他们一起定期做些事情。