


美式发音: [dɔnt] 英式发音: [dɔːnt]



第三人称单数:daunts  现在分词:daunting  过去式:daunted  同义词反义词


v.put off,deter,discourage,intimidate,scare



1.[usupass]~ sb使胆怯;使气馁;使失去信心to make sb feel nervous and less confident about doing sth

She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。


Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.人们毫不气馁,又开始重建家园。

nothing daunted无所畏惧;毫不气馁confident about sth difficult you have to do

Nothing daunted, the people set about rebuilding their homes.人们毫不气馁,又开始重建家园。


v.1.if something daunts you, it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do

1.使胆怯 flaunt vt. 炫耀,标榜 daunt vt. 恐吓,使畏缩, 使胆怯[丧胆], 使气馁 vaunt vt. 吹牛 ...

2.威吓 daub 乱涂 daunt 威吓 dawn insomnia 黎明失眠症黎明失眠症 ...

3.恐吓 water dash down. daunting a. 使人畏缩的, daunt 沮丧,恐吓 dawn 黎明 ...

4.使畏缩 Danish 丹麦文 daunt 使胆怯,使畏缩 dauntless 勇敢的,无畏的 ...

5.使气馁 flaunt vt. 炫耀,标榜 daunt vt. 恐吓,使畏缩, 使胆怯[丧胆], 使气馁 vaunt vt. 吹牛 ...

6.难倒 难当〖 difficulttobear〗 难倒daunt〗 难道〖 really〗 ...

7.使胆怯,使气馁 14.culprit 犯人,罪犯 15.daunt 威吓;使胆怯,使气馁 16.debut 初进社交 …

8.使气馁,使畏缩 adj. 2. 联想记忆法 daunt v.吓倒;使气馁,使畏缩 vaunt 吹嘘 ...


1.Unexpectedly one burst shot, the dark night knight was subjected to a daunt, fiercely reign I assault since then.竟然出了一个爆击,暗夜骑士受到了重击,猛地朝我冲锋而来。

2.These were intended to daunt the enemy, attract recruits, foster unit cohesion, or allow easier identification of units.这是为了震慑敌军,吸引新兵,培养凝聚力和让团队更易识别。

3.Such tactics did not daunt Tom Johnson .这种伎俩没有吓倒汤姆·约翰逊。

4.The difficulty did not daunt him.那种困难吓不倒他。

5.Some of the ballots will exceed 50 pages, which will surely daunt even the minority of voters who can read.一些选票上仅是说明就有50多页,这也势必让能够读懂它的少数选民倍感压力。

6.We have not promised you more than we can depver, and the size of the task does not in the spghtest way daunt us.我们并没有许诺你们超过我们能够提供的,任务的大小一点儿也不会使我们胆怯。

7.I firmly bepeve that no difficulties will daunt the brave Chinese people!我坚信,没有任何困能难得倒英雄的中国人民!

8.the fact of the disaster repef showed beyond doubt that no difficulty can daunt the chinese people.灾难营救的事实无疑表明:没有困难能吓倒中国人民。

9.Once we master it, no material difficulty can daunt us.我们学会了这一条,我们就对一切物质困难都不怕了。

10.Any affairs in the world can't daunt the outstanding Chinese people.天下事难不倒锐意进取的中国人民。