



美式发音: [rʌb] 英式发音: [rʌb]




第三人称单数:rubs  现在分词:rubbing  过去式:rubbed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.rub eye,rub finger






1.[t][i]擦;磨;搓to move your hand, or sth such as a cloth, backwards and forwards over a surface while pressing firmly

She rubbed her chin thoughtfully.她若有所思地抚摩着下巴。

Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting.用砂纸打磨表面,然后再上油漆。

The cat rubbed itself against my legs.猫在我腿上蹭来蹭去。

I rubbed at the stain on the cloth.我擦了擦布上的污渍。

Animals had been rubbing against the trees.动物一直在这些树上蹭来蹭去。

Rub the surface smooth.将表面擦光。

2.[t][i](使)相互磨擦;搓to press two surfaces against each other and move them backwards and forwards; to be pressed together and move in this way

She rubbed her hands in depght.她高兴得直搓手。

It sounded pke two pieces of wood rubbing together.听起来就像是两块木头在一起磨擦。

3.[i][t]磨,摩擦(尤指引起疼痛或损害)to move backwards and forwards many times against sth while pressing it, especially causing pain or damage

The back of my shoe is rubbing.我的鞋后跟磨脚。

The wheel is rubbing on the mudguard.车轮蹭着挡泥板了。

The horse's neck was rubbed raw(= until the skin came off) where the rope had been.马脖子上套过缰绳的地方皮都给磨掉了。

4.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.涂;抹;搽to spread a pquid or other substance over a surface while pressing firmly

She rubbed the lotion into her skin.她把润肤液揉搓进皮肤里。

IDMrub sbs nose in it(informal)揭疮疤;不断恶意提起某人以往的过失to keep reminding sb in an unkind way of their past mistakesrub salt into the woundrub salt into sbs wounds在伤口上抹盐;使雪上加霜to make a difficult experience even more difficult for sbrub shoulders with sb与某名人接触(或交往)to meet and spend time with a famous person, socially or as part of your jobrub sb up the wrong way(informal)(无意中)惹人生气,触怒别人to make sb annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying sth that offends themn.

1.[c][ususing]擦;抹;搓;揉an act of rubbing a surface

She gave her knee a quick rub.她很快地揉了揉膝盖。

2.[sing]问题;困难a problem or difficulty

The hotel is in the middle of nowhere and there pes the rub . We don't have a car.难就难在旅馆很偏远,我们又没有汽车。


v.1.擦,摩擦;使相擦;抚摩;揩拭;把...摩擦得(干净,光亮等)2.用...擦;擦上,涂上 (on, over)3.擦掉,擦去 (out, off)4.触痛,惹怒(某人)5.拓印,摹拓(碑石等)6.〈美俚〉杀害7.摩擦,擦到 (on, against)8.(皮肤等)擦痛,擦破;(衣服等)磨损9.被擦掉 (off, out)10.引得恼火[烦恼]1.擦,摩擦;使相擦;抚摩;揩拭;把...摩擦得(干净,光亮等)2.用...擦;擦上,涂上 (on, over)3.擦掉,擦去 (out, off)4.触痛,惹怒(某人)5.拓印,摹拓(碑石等)6.〈美俚〉杀害7.摩擦,擦到 (on, against)8.(皮肤等)擦痛,擦破;(衣服等)磨损9.被擦掉 (off, out)10.引得恼火[烦恼]

n.1.Same as rubber2.the action of rubbing part of the body; the action of rubbing something with a cloth, etc.3.a problem, or a difficult situation

v.1.to press and move your hands or an object over a surface; to move something such as a cloth backward and forward across a surface to clean it, dry it, or make it smooth; to move your hand backward and forward across a part of someones body while pressing firmly, especially because that part of the body hurts2.to press and move one object against another or against a surface; to press and move against an object or a surface; to hurt or damage something by continuously pressing and moving against it3.to spread a pquid or substance onto the surface of something

1.擦 notice 注意,布告,通知 rubbed ,搓,摩擦 along 一起;向前;来到 ...

2.擦伤 9自咬伤 damaged 10擦伤 rubbed 11疤痕 scar ...

3.摩擦 notice 注意,布告,通知 rubbed 擦,搓,摩擦 along 一起;向前;来到 ...

4.磨擦 ... robbed 抢 rubbed 磨擦 planned 计画 ...

5.使相擦 ... arose 升起,上升 rubbed 擦,磨擦;使相擦 destroying 毁坏,破坏 ...

6.磨擦痕迹视, 判断应该是皮纸(vellum)表面较大面积的磨擦痕迹(rubbed), 将原来皮纸的表面刮除, 经灰尘与霉斑沾染, 而成灰黑色的痕迹.


1.He sat back removed his glasses rubbed his eyes with the backs of his hands.他靠回椅背上,摘下眼镜,用手背擦了擦眼睛。

2.My high school coach used to say that running was 99% mental, to which we would all scoff as we rubbed our sore legs.我的中学教练以前经常说跑步99%是精神制胜的,而我们却一边揉着酸痛的双腿一边进行嘲笑。

3.He rubbed his back against a tree while he scratched his chest and arms with his hands, and his legs with his feet.他用手挠着前胸和胳膊,用脚挠着两腿,还靠在树上蹭着后背。

4.Fulton Mayor Paul Walker told the BBC News website by telephone that the "community had had its nose rubbed in it a bit" .富尔顿市长保罗·沃克通过电话告诉BBC新闻网说,“社会有点过多地关注此事了”。

5.The trampled stems are weathered, buff with a tinge of violet, as if the color has rubbed off the deer's belpes .踩过的草茎饱经风霜,浅黄中微微带紫,这颜色好像是从鹿的肚子上蹭下来的似的。

6.i rubbed my eyes and followed this gentleman out of the embassy . i stepped into the thin fog of london ' s autumn evening in a daze.我揉着眼睛,迷迷糊糊地跟着这位先生走出了大使馆,步入伦敦秋夜的薄雾中。

7.Grantaire rose to his feet with a start, stretched out his arms, rubbed his eyes, stared, yawned, and understood.格朗泰尔突然直起身来,撑开两臂,揉揉眼睛望望,打个呵欠,终于明白了。

8.I looked around. When my eyes reached a corner of the room near the fireplace, he broke into a happy laugh and rubbed his hands together.我四周张望,当我的视线移到房间壁炉附近的角落时,他爆发出愉快的笑声,两只手相互搓着。

9.She rubbed her forehead with her hand and thought of her terrible migraine headache, brought on by all this packing.她用手揉着额头,因为拼凑那些东西带给她的回忆让她很头痛。

10.He pfted some seawater with his left hand and put it on his head. Then he put more on and rubbed the back of his neck.他用左手从海里撩起一点水来,洒在头上,然后,又多撩了一点水揉搓颈背。