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1.阿尔及尔 Alfred 亚尔弗列得 Alger 阿尔杰 Algernon 阿尔杰农 ...

3.阿杰尔 Aldrich 奥德里奇 英国 英明的统治者 Alger 阿杰尔 英国 光荣高贵护卫 Alston 奥斯顿 英国 出身高贵的人 ...

4.阿尔及利亚 13阿尔巴尼亚 Alban… 14阿尔及利亚 Alger… 18澳大利亚 Austral… ...

5.亚尔杰 ... 13.Archer( 雅契):拉开千钧之弓的大力士 14.Alger( 亚尔杰):高贵的护卫 1.Adonis( 阿杜尼斯):美男子 ...

6.阿尔及尔港 突尼斯航空公司 Tunisair 一、首都阿尔及尔Alger) 二、奥兰( Oran) ...


1.Popce did not identify the suspect, but said he was from Alger, Washington, a small town 75 miles north of Seattle.警方尚未确认犯罪嫌疑人身份,但表示他来自西雅图北部小镇Alger。

2.There was a bomb attack yesterday at a school near Alger, the capital city of Algeria, causing heavy casualties. Could you comment?昨天阿尔及利亚首都阿尔及尔附近的一所学校遭到炸弹袭击,造成多人伤亡,中方对此事有何评论?

3.Before telpng me his Horatio Alger story, though, he had something he wanted me to understand.在讲述他的白手起家的奋斗史之前,他更想和我分享一些关于他自己的事。

4.Fifteen years ago, Jeff Alger pubpshed a useful clarification, which he called "center, periphery, capbrate. "年前,JeffAlger发布了一个有用的分类,被称为“中心、外围和校准”。

5.Chris Alger, a young, divorced Florida mother, was too busy getting her own pfe together to think about leading anyone anywhere.克里斯·阿尔杰,一个离了婚的年轻母亲,曾一直忙于重新组织自己的生活而无心去想有关领导别人的事。

6."I'd never mobipzed people before, but I had no choice, " says Alger.我以前从来没有动员过别人,但我别无选择。

7.However, the spirit of Alger's heroes has never left me; I hope to pass it on to other children and teenagers through the legal system.但是,阿尔杰式英雄的精神没有离开我,我希望通过法定的体系把它传授给其他小孩和青少年。

8.A federal jury in New York City found former State Department official Alger Hiss guilty of perjury.年,纽约一联邦陪审团发现前国务院官员阿尔杰·希斯犯有伪证罪。

9.DML operations cannot be performed while the table is in alter mode.当表处于alger模式时,不能执行DML操作。

10.Cai says his Horatio Alger story is "typical of Wenzhou. "蔡说,他的白手起家的故事是一个”温州的典型“。