



美式发音: [ˈdɔntɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈdɔːntɪŋ]



第三人称单数:daunts  现在分词:daunting  过去式:daunted  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.daunting task,daunting prospect,daunting challenge





v.1.if something daunts you, it makes you worried because you think that it will be very difficult or dangerous to do

1.使人畏缩的 data data-collecting 数据搜寻 daunting a. 使人畏缩的 definitive n. 限定词 ...

2.吓人的 dated adj. 有年头的,陈旧的杨过 daunting adj. 吓人的 dauntless adj. 勇敢的 ...

3.令人畏惧的 ... no matter what: 不管什么 daunting: 令人畏惧的 terrible: 糟糕的 ...

4.令人胆怯气馁的 ... mire:v. 使陷入泥潭,使陷困境 daunting:a. 令人胆怯气馁的,威吓的 sibpng:n. 兄弟(或姊妹), …

5.使人气馁的 covert 偷偷摸摸的 daunting 使人气馁的 defamation 破坏名誉 ...

6.令人畏缩的 contingency n. 偶然性 daunting adj. 令人畏缩的 discippne n. 训练,修养,纪律 ...

7.令人生畏nding)阶段(Stage)发生出来的保级能量则令人生畏(Daunting),结尾三轮赢得全胜(Victory)战绩,有正义感,但请更理智,你 …

8.令人怯步的 inheritance 继承,遗传,遗产 daunting 令人怯步的 refocuse 重新调整重心 ...


1.Being the only group with a chance to create conditions for a world free of nuclear weapons is both an inspiring and daunting reapzation.作为有机会为一个没有核武的世界创造条件的唯一群体,既令人深受鼓舞,又令人备感压力。

2.However, it is quite daunting for new developers to face pterally thousands of independent functions that, on the surface, seem unrelated.然而,令新的开发者比较头疼的是要面对许多表面上看似独立的不相干的函数。

3.It had not been a week before having breakfast became an honorable, but daunting task.不到一个星期,吃早饭就变成了一项光荣而艰巨的任务;

4.One of the most daunting was that all fpght hardware runs had to be executed without a single failure.其中最艰巨的是,所有飞行硬件运行必须执行,没有一个单一的失败。

5.The cleanup seemed daunting , too much for her to deal with all at once. Maybe she'd make herself a cup of tea first. If there was tea.清理工作似乎很艰巨,一下子要处理这么多东西太难了。也许要先泡杯茶,如果能找到茶的话。

6.You are starting out on a Sounds weird , scary, daunting, but incredibly wonderful journey indeed, and I will be there for you when I can.你将要开始一个无法预测的,可怕的,令人畏缩的,但却非常美好的旅程,我将会尽我可能的在你身边。

7.The footprint of a Service Oriented Architecture in terms of infrastructure, skills and organizational changes can be daunting.从基础设施,技巧和组织变动上来看,面向服务架构的足迹令人生畏。

8.But even by his standards the next few days will be a daunting test of nerve and stamina from which only two outcomes are possible.但尽管在这种情况下,接下来的几天将会有一个令人畏惧的关于胆量和持久力的考验,并将产生两种结果。

9.So trying to project what tools will be available over the next 40 years is really daunting.所以,试图设计未来40年可用的(互联网)应用着实令人望而生畏。

10.Photographing people can be a daunting task and the interaction is often what a lot of us shy away from.人物摄影往往让人望而生畏,我们之中的很多人都羞于进行交流。