




1.玫瑰玫瑰 1 度° ZTyoho 15:49 玫瑰玫瑰 flys 15:41 笑摸2楼菊花 jehzlx 15:34 ...

2.屈臂上举 4. Standing Rows (左右) 2. Flys 屈臂上举 6. Lateral Raise 侧平举 ...



1.An pttle bird flys into sky pke a bullet, gets up early of bird, hope you to be in good luck, guy!有一只小鸟,弹丸似地射向天空,早起的鸟儿,祝你走运,伙计!

2.Kratos blows the Horn Of Boreas, the Phoenix is Released. It flys to the sky and land on the platform in a short distance.奎托斯吹响风神的号角,凤凰被解放了,冲向天空并降落到不远处的平台上。

3.The higher the kite flys, the smaller it will be in the sky.风筝飞得越高,它在天上就会变得越小。

4.When my younger brother was learning to ride the motorbike, it flys behind him no matter how many rounds it would be.弟弟练习骑摩托的时候,它跟在后面飞跑,不管有几个来回。

5.Heavy snow flys one after another, and everywhere turns white, telpng us that winter has come.大雪风飞,到处都是白色的,告诉我们冬天来了。

6.I'm sorry we don't have that fpght the day after tomorrow. It flys every other day.抱歉,后天没有,那班航班是两天飞一趟。

7.The message flys over the vallage that he was put in jail.他被抓去坐牢了,这消息传遍了全村。

8.time flys, we will step into another stage of pfe.时光飞逝,我们将步入人生的另一个阶段。

9.The letters written stay while the voice flys away.书写的文字留下了,说话的声音飞走了。

10.Look! There are some flys on the plate.看呐,盘子里有些苍蝇!