


美式发音: [ˈpoʊloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊləʊ]





polon.— see alsowater polo

1.马球(运动)a game in which two teams of players riding on horses try to hit a ball into a goal using long wooden hammers (called mallets )


na.1.Polo , Marco 马可波罗

n.1.a game played by two teams riding polo ponieshorsesThey get points by hitting a small ball into a particular area using a polo sticka wooden hammer with a long handle.2.a polo shirt

1.保罗 红豆 Hongdou 保罗 POLO 皮尔司通 Pierre SiTong ...


3.马球 玛丽娜女王 Princess Marina de Bourbon 马球 Polo 私人事务 Private Affairs ...

4.圣大保罗 水果之乡( Herietta) 圣大保罗( Polo) 都彭( S.T.Dupont) ...

5.水球 desert v.废弃 polo n.水球 Wayle n.威尔(河名) ...

6.拉夫劳伦 Old Navy 老海军 POLO 拉夫劳伦 Benefit | Bpss | Chanel/ 香奈儿 | ...

7.衬衫 新世纪 New Age 衬衫 & T恤 & POLO 下装 Bottoms ...


1.Marco Polo also mentioned the town in the account of his travels as one of the most prosperous he saw.马可波罗在他的见闻录中提到,这里是他见过的最繁华的城镇之一。

2.Marco Polo Club services , just let us know . We re always ready to help.请随时与我们联系,我们愿竭诚为您服务。

3.Marco Polo, the legendary explorer famous for his epic journey into Asia, was just a "conman, " according to the report.报道称,由于其亚洲之旅而而极富盛名的传奇探险家马可波罗不过是个骗子。

4.However, to do this means missing out on the exciting competitions taking place in the synchronized swimming and water polo events.然而,这样就意味着我们遗漏了两项激动人心的比赛,花样游泳和水球。

5.His famous book, The Travels of Marco Polo, indicates that he was a man of extraordinary bravery, brilpance, and strength.他的名著的马可波罗游记,表明他是一个非凡的勇敢,辉煌的人,和力量。

6.Moore helped him pick out a new polo shirt, dressy shorts and his first pair of boat shoes when she brought him home to meet her family.摩尔带他回家见自己的家人时,特地为他挑了一件新的polo衫,一条考究的短裤和他平生的第一双帆船鞋。

7.In Marco Polo's case, the story seems to be of his own creation.马可波罗的故事让人们觉得仿佛是他的亲身经历一样。

8.The Maro Polo Effect has been going on for far longer than I ever imagined, and I see no reason to say it won't continue on indefinitely.马可·波罗现象持续的时间超出了我的想象,而且也没理由不继续下去。

9.Rooney was a rabid New York Giants football fan whose 50-plus years of season tickets began in a seat behind a pole at the Polo Grounds.鲁尼是纽约巨人足球队的狂热球迷,他50多年来的季票始于波罗球场(PoloGrounds)上一根门柱后的座位。

10.There has been a notable rise in women players, and the number of polo clubs across the UK has increased dramatically in the past decade.女性参赛者数量明显上升,英国的马球俱乐部在过去十年里大幅增加。