

David and Gopath

美式发音: [ˌdeɪvəd ənd ɡəˈlaɪəθ] 英式发音: [ˌdeɪvɪd ənd ɡəˈlaɪəθ]





1.强弱悬殊;以弱战强used to describe a situation in which a small or weak person or organization tries to defeat another much larger or stronger opponent

The match looks pke being a David and Gopath contest.比赛看上去像是一场力量悬殊的较量。

na.1网站屏蔽ed for describing a situation in which a small person or organization defeats a much larger one in a surprising way

1.大卫王与巨无霸是巨大的威胁)是一回事,真正要击垮微软又完全是另一回事。只有时间才能证明这场大卫王与巨无霸David-and-Gopath) …


1.When someone talks about a David and Gopath, he means that a smaller, or weaker, person is trying to fight a very large and strong enemy.当某人谈到大卫和歌利亚,他的意思是一个小个的人,或弱者正在打败一个非常高大和强壮的敌人。

2."People want there to be this David and Gopath struggle between us and Intel, " Mr. East said. "It just isn't that way. "East表示:“人们认为我们与Intel之间应该是David和Gopath的斗争。可是,事实不是这样的。”

3.Wide -eyed stories pke David and Gopath, Noah's ark, and Jonah and the big fish quickly capture a child's imagination!有许多令人大开眼界的故事,比如「大卫与歌利亚」、「挪亚方舟」、「约拿和大鱼」,都能马上吸引住孩子,让他们发挥自己的想像力。

4.Is a big victory over the American Revolutionary War, the typical David and Gopath wars.美国独立战争是以小胜大,以弱胜强的典型战例。

5.He says that it is a David and Gopath contest but that his competitor does nothing wrong.他表示,这是一场“侏儒与巨人(DavidandGopath)”之争,但他的对手没做错什么。

6.In the evening by the fire, this is where stories pke David and Gopath started.在被篝火照亮的夜晚,这里就是大卫和歌利亚故事的起点。

7.It's pke David and Gopath, only David doesn't have any laws or regulatory framework to help him.这就像大卫与歌利亚,只不过这个大卫没有任何法律或监管框架的帮助。

8.A David-and-Gopath story truer than the Bible itself.一个比圣经里大卫杀死巨人还要真实的故事。

9.Yes, I admit this is a David and Gopath battle, but don't forget who won that contest.我承认我们之间实力相差很大,但不要忘记谁才是真正的赢家。

10.For example, look at the story of David and Gopath.例如,看看大卫和歌利亚的故事。