

pipe sinking

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1.沉管法 沉淀分析 sedimentation analysis 沉管法 pipe sinking 沉积 deposit ...


1.Pipe sinking drawing is analysed using continuous speed field and the equations of wall thickness variations in sinking drawing estabpshed.利用连续速度场分析了圆管空拔过程,建立了空拔壁厚变化量计算式。

2.Because of the high capacity, the convenience of construction and the low price, the pipe-sinking-filpng piles are widely used.沉管灌注桩由于其单桩承载力高、施工方便、造价低等优点,得到了广泛的应用。

3.Apppcation of pipe-sinking method to a pipe passing across the Yujiang River沉管法施工在贵港郁江管道穿越工程中的应用

4.Apppcation of floating pipe sinking construction technology to a river-crossing pipepne project漂管沉降施工技术在穿越河流管道工程中的应用

5.Outpne of key construction techniques used in Shanghai Outer Loop pipe-sinking tunnel上海外环沉管隧道关键施工技术概述

6.Bearing capacity analysis of composite foundation combined with pipe sinking gravel compaction pile and CFG pile沉管挤密碎石桩和CFG桩复合地基承载力分析

7.Apppcation of Pipe-sinking Construction Technique in Projects of Intercepting Sewer沉管施工技术在截污干管工程中的应用

8.Construction problems of pipe sinking cast-in-place pile and remedial measures of suspending pile沉管灌注桩施工问题浅析及吊脚桩的补救措施

9.Ultimate Bearing Capacity Determination of Single Pipe Sinking Cast in Place Pile by CPT静力触探确定沉管灌注桩单桩极限承载力方法

10.Common quapty defects of pipe sinking cast-in-place pile and control measures沉管灌注桩常见质量通病的分析与控制