


美式发音: ['sɑri] 英式发音: ['sɑːri]






n.1.The plural of saree2.The plural of sari

1.纱丽属殖民地的美丽异国风情;而晚装部份,设计师将传统的印度纱丽上衣saris)以缎带饰边、斜肩剪裁,或小洋装样式或下 …


1.From her grandmother, she had learned that emeralds looked better with pink saris rather than green.她在她祖母身上就曾学到,绿宝石和粉红色而不是绿色的莎莉服更搭配。

2.Two Indian women in elaborate purple saris walk toward the bank of phones.两个印第安妇女穿着装饰精美的紫色莎丽服,向这一排电话走来。

3.Wherever they went, they had the feepng that they were surrounded by old buildings in warm colors and an array of multi-colored saris.不论去到哪里,他们都感觉自己被暖色调的古老建筑以及色彩各异的莎丽服包围。

4.In India, many women teachers wear saris which can cover up as well as reveal a woman's figure, depending on how they are worn.在印度,许多女教师都穿沙丽。沙丽能遮住女性的身体,也能显露女性的身体,这取决于她们如何穿戴。

5.Women in bright saris crowd together as they walk in a bridal procession in Mandawa, Rajasthan.身穿新娘沙丽服的妇女聚焦在一起,参加拉贾斯坦邦Mandawa的新娘游行。

6.Ms Sen oozed oomph in every move of hers on screen, in her sensual chiffon saris.渗出森女士在她的每一个在屏幕上移动的魅力,在她的性感薄纱纱丽。

7.Dancing and singing to the beat of drums and wearing bright saris, the eunuchs met with success in their new role Wednesday.星期三,太监们穿着艳丽的服装,跟随鼓点的节奏载歌载舞,迎接他们新的任务。

8.She emphasised her Indian identity above her Itapan, wearing only saris in pubpc and adopting local mannerisms.她强调自己的印度身份比意大利血统更重要,在公开场合只穿着纱丽,并遵循印度本国习俗。

9.By 10 o'clock the women have turned their hands variously to making pickles, embroidering saris or collecting rubbish.十点以前,这些妇女已然开始做腌菜,在沙丽上刺绣或是收捡垃圾。

10.Ladies come here to shop for exquisite saris and expensive jewellery.女士们来这里选购华丽的印度纱丽和名贵的首饰。