




1.在教室里 in the desk 在桌子里 in the classroom 在教室里 on the wall 在墙上 ...

2.在课堂上 Crafts 工艺品 In the Classroom 在课堂上 In the Library 在图书馆 ...

3.教室用语 Appreciating art 欣赏艺术 In the classroom 教室用语 Common Engpsh mistakes 英语常见错误 ...

4.地点状语 ... a lady of quapty 贵妇人 in the classroom地点状语) ...


1.Teacher thinking for a while, he said, "everyone sit down in the classroom to find a corner. "老师思考了一会儿,他说“每个人在教室找个墙角坐下”。

2.They also gave opinions on how much teachers controlled or managed student behavior in the classroom.学生们还就老师如何控制与管理学生的课堂行为提出了自己的意见。

3.At 19, when I began studying astrophysics, it did not bother me in the least to be the only woman in the classroom.在19岁的时候,我开始学习天体物理学,作为班上唯一的女性,我一点也不觉得苦恼。

4.For the sake of Jesus, they had not been able to renounce, for one short day the sinful pleasure of talking in the classroom!看在耶稣的份上,这都是由于她们一天在课堂上说话的罪恶的快乐!

5.After Mr. Harris said he would not tolerate any more noise, there was complete silence in the classroom.当哈里斯老师说他将不再容忍任何吵闹声时,教室里一片鸦雀无声。

6.He made most of his friends while playing football or hanging out in a bar - not in the classroom.他的朋友大都是踢足球或去酒吧玩儿的时候结交的,而不是在教室里。

7.However, I do not know his before deep, but he really was a very good teacher in the classroom . Because I was attracted by his course then.不过我对他的以前了解的不是很深,不过他在课上确实是个很优秀的老师,因为我就是当年被他上的课所吸引。

8.We saw a film in the classroom. And then a school relay competition began. I was one of the athletics of my class.然后一场学校接力比赛开始了,我是代表我们班级的一个运动员。

9.Off the court and in the classroom, Obama found peers and professors who challenged him to think more deeply.在球场和教室以外,奥巴马发现同龄人和教授使他思考得更加深刻了。

10.That was the best chore of all. It made possible getting near enough to her to close out the others in the classroom.这是最好的差使,可以接近她,把全班里其他的人都撇开。