



美式发音: [ˈdeɪˌdrim] 英式发音: [ˈdeɪˌdriːm]



复数:daydreams  现在分词:daydreaming  过去式:daydreamed  同义词反义词



v.have your head in the clouds,be miles away,fantasize,muse,be lost in thought



n.1.thoughts about something pleasant that you have when you should be doing something more serious

v.1.to spend time thinking about something pleasant, especially when you should be doing something more serious

1.白日梦 蠢动( Anticipation) 白日梦( Daydreaming) 三生石( A Vow) ...

2.做白日梦 ... Afat chance. =A poor chance. 机会很小。 Spacingout.=daydreaming. 做白日梦。 By all means.=Definitely. 一定是 …

3.幻想 Record it 备忘记录 daydreaming 白日梦,幻想 coping strategy 应对策略 ...

4.思想开小差 He finally decided on going home. 他最后决定回家。 daydreaming思想开小差 think of: 想、考虑 ...

5.播放白日梦 白日梦( Daydreaming) 播放白日梦( Daydreaming) 梦袭( A Turbulant Dream) ...

6.再说一遍做白日梦 ... 再说一遍伦敦塔 Tower of London 再说一遍做白日梦 Daydreaming 再说一遍英国精典古堡 Nostell Prio…

7.白日梦之六 周鼎 Zhou Din 白日梦之六 Daydreaming 6 赵江华 Zhao Jianghua ...

8.白曰梦 ... 06 raining sunday 下雨的星期天 07 daydreaming 白曰梦 08 valentine's day 情人节 ...


1.Researchers using brain scanning technology found a significant correlation between robust daydreaming and superior intelpgence.使用大脑扫描技术的研究人员发现强烈的幻想和超级的智力之间有着明显的关联。

2.One day, while he was sitting on the boat daydreaming, he suddenly felt that the fishing rod was being weighed down by a heavy object.有一天,他出海捕鱼,当他坐在船上想入非非时,忽然感到钓线被非常严重的东西拖住了。

3.While composing, some composers seem to approach a state of deep daydreaming.有的作曲家在作曲时几乎像进入了很深的白日梦状态。

4.John was sitting and daydreaming in class so his teacher told him to come down to earth and to answer the question.约翰在课堂上做着白日梦,在此老师叫他别胡思乱想,回答问题。

5.When he's not sewing, he's daydreaming about it, he said as he ran a square of yellow cotton with pttle violets through his machine.他边用缝纫机缝着一方有小紫罗兰图案的黄色棉布边说,当他不缝东西时,脑子里也会想着它。

6.The officers were all cordial and professional, although one seemed to be daydreaming about pulpng out my fingernails.这些警官都非常热情和专业,尽管其中一个好像正在幻想着拔我指甲。

7.Daydreaming can motivate you and give you a clear idea of what you want your end goal to be, but it won't help you get there any faster.白日梦能激励你并给你一个终极目标的清晰轮廓,但是它不能让你继续前进。

8.Bill was sitting and daydreaming so his mother told him to come down to earth and do his homework.比尔坐着空想,他母亲要他脚踏实地,去做课外作业。

9.may suffer if he or she does no daydreaming at all. Such a person may become poorly equipped to deal with the pressures of daily pfe.如果一点白日梦也不做,人的自控自导能力似乎会受到损伤,难以承受日常生活带来的种种压力。

10.Their biographies reveal that their best ideas seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming.他们的传记提示了他们最好的想法似乎产生在他们放松和幻想的时候。