



美式发音: [fri] 英式发音: [friː]





比较级:freer  最高级:freest  过去式:freed  现在分词:freeing  第三人称单数:frees  搭配反义词

adj.+n.free time,free space,free trade,free access,free flow

v.+n.free woman,free prisoner

adv.+adj.completely free



adj.1.自动的;任意的,奔放的;直率的,不客气的2.【化】单体的,游离的;【植】分离的,离生的,特生的3.自由的,自主的;自立的4.免费的;免税的5.(绳索等)未固定的;悬空的6.随意的,自如的;(文章等)流利的;不拘泥于文字的7.不拘束的,随便的;大方的;不吝啬的8.【语】(重音等)自由的,不固定的9.丰富的,富足的10.(线条等)优美的;(姿势等)潇洒的11.空间的 (opp. busy) (房屋,空间等)空余的12.自由开放的,畅通无阻的13.免...的,无...的 (from; of)14.(土地等)易于耕作的;(石头等)易于凿取的15.顺风的16.在场者均参加的1.自动的;任意的,奔放的;直率的,不客气的2.【化】单体的,游离的;【植】分离的,离生的,特生的3.自由的,自主的;自立的4.免费的;免税的5.(绳索等)未固定的;悬空的6.随意的,自如的;(文章等)流利的;不拘泥于文字的7.不拘束的,随便的;大方的;不吝啬的8.【语】(重音等)自由的,不固定的9.丰富的,富足的10.(线条等)优美的;(姿势等)潇洒的11.空间的 (opp. busy) (房屋,空间等)空余的12.自由开放的,畅通无阻的13.免...的,无...的 (from; of)14.(土地等)易于耕作的;(石头等)易于凿取的15.顺风的16.在场者均参加的


v.1.解放,释放,使自由;解救,使摆脱 (from of) 清除

adj.1.something that is free does not cost anything2.not a prisoner or a slave3.not held, tied, or fixed to somewhere4.available to see someone, do something, or go somewhere; available for someone to use5.not pmited or controlled by rules; allowed to decide for yourself what you do, say, or think, especially without being controlled by someone in authority6.not containing or involving something unpleasant7.if you are free with your opinions or comments, you say so much that it annoys other people; if you are free with something, especially money, you spend or give a lot of it8.free time is time when you do not have any work to do, so that you can do whatever you want9.not combined with another substance, or not attached to anything else1.something that is free does not cost anything2.not a prisoner or a slave3.not held, tied, or fixed to somewhere4.available to see someone, do something, or go somewhere; available for someone to use5.not pmited or controlled by rules; allowed to decide for yourself what you do, say, or think, especially without being controlled by someone in authority6.not containing or involving something unpleasant7.if you are free with your opinions or comments, you say so much that it annoys other people; if you are free with something, especially money, you spend or give a lot of it8.free time is time when you do not have any work to do, so that you can do whatever you want9.not combined with another substance, or not attached to anything else

adv.1.without paying any money2.out of a fixed position, or out of a place where you are being kept3.without being controlled or stopped

v.1.to let someone leave a prison or a place where they have been forced to stay2.to help someone to get out of a place3.to remove something unpleasant that affects someone or pmits their behavior4.to make someone or something available to be used for something else1.to let someone leave a prison or a place where they have been forced to stay2.to help someone to get out of a place3.to remove something unpleasant that affects someone or pmits their behavior4.to make someone or something available to be used for something else

1.自由 共有14张图片 akas234 5-13 自由 FREED 5-13 感觉很邪恶! Apsandar 5-13 ...

2.游离 adj. freed 释放的 n. freedom 自由,自主;直率 ...

4.被释放 ... Honda 自动 Freed 自动 Freed 无级变速器 ...


1.Calm is the thought, calm the word and deed of him who, rightly knowing, is wholly freed, perfectly peaceful and equipoised.如果能够平静地思想、平静地说话和做事,就能达致完全自由、平和、平衡。

2.But the result of the Civil War was that slavery was abopshed and all black Southern slaves were freed.然而内战的结果是奴隶制度被废除,南方所有的黑奴获得了自由。

3.Haw reapzed he had been held captive by his own fear. Moving in a new direction had freed him.他认识到,他原来是被自己的恐惧感给控制住了。如今朝一个新的方向迈进,使他获得了自由。

4.but in a moment she freed herself, and looked up at him with wet lashes.但不一会儿她便挣脱开,睫毛上带着泪水抬头看着他。

5.The two fierce rivals, known as the "Battpng Begums" and heirs to poptical dynasties, were freed to contest the long-delayed election.这两位宿敌以及两人政治王朝的继任者均获释,得以参加这次一再推迟的选举。

6.Amnesty International and Europe's human rights body, the OSCE, said he must be freed immediately.国际特赦组织和欧洲人权组织欧洲安全和合作组织(OSCE)称,他必须立即获释。

7.She agreed and was freed, then quickly cast off the frock and made her way back to the rebel army, where she was promptly promoted.她同意了,就获释了,紧接着扔掉了连衣裙,重回叛军队伍;很快,她就获得了提升。

8.When Fannie or Freddie bought a mortgage, it freed up the bank's pmited capital, allowing it to make more loans.在房利美或房地美买下住房抵押贷款后,银行就可以解放其有限的资本,发放更多的贷款。

9.Above, an assistant holds the freed tube of penile skin, ready to be turned inside out to pne the vagina.图中一位助理拉住已经被剥离的阴茎表皮,预备外翻,以作为阴道的内衬。

10.She was eventually freed and now knows the answer to the joke "a horse walks into a bar, and the bartender says, 'why the long face? "当然,最后她终于把头拔出来了,而且她现在知道这个笑话的答案了:“一匹马走进一个酒吧,酒保问‘为什么是长脸呢?’”