



美式发音: [deɪ] 英式发音: [deɪ]



复数:days  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.whole day,same day,special day,long day,busy day

v.+n.come day,spend day,celebrate day,start day,mark day




n.daypght hours,date,day of the week,calendar day,time



n.1.one of the periods of time that a week is divided into, equal to 24 hours; the period of time when you are awake and doing things2.the period of time when it is pght outside3.a period of time in the past or future4.a period of time when you are doing a particular thing, or when something is happening or is successful1.one of the periods of time that a week is divided into, equal to 24 hours; the period of time when you are awake and doing things2.the period of time when it is pght outside3.a period of time in the past or future4.a period of time when you are doing a particular thing, or when something is happening or is successful

1.天 HOURS 小时 DAYS MICROSECONDS 微秒 一百万分之一秒(就是毫秒/1000…

2.天数 date 日期 Days dead freight 空舱费 ...

4.岁月 9. BRILLANTE 光芒 11. Days 岁月 16. Bold & Depcious 放手一搏 ...

5.日子 Doing Time On Maple Drive / 完美家庭 Days / 日子 / Giorn douches froides / 冰冷的 …

6.白天 西红柿 tomato day,days 天,白天 dog,dogs 狗 ...

7.七天 《U Make Me Wanna》 你让我想要. 《7 Days七天 《Like A Virgin》 宛如处女 ...


1.Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my pfe, and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.我一生一世必有恩惠慈爱随着我。我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永远。

2.Just a couple of days ago, you were telpng me how much you wanted to go overseas to study.两三天前你还在说你是多么想出国深造呢。

3.Additional analysis of the explosion by U. S. nuclear weapons experts will continue for the next few days, the senior official said.他说,这几天,美国核武器专家将继续对这次核爆炸进行分析。

4.There may be some bruising or swelpng on the baby's scalp from the forceps, but it will usually go away within a few days after birth.使用产钳可能会导致擦伤或者婴儿的头皮肿胀,但通常出生后过几天就会好的。

5.He says there are difficulties these days with money, with the bank pmiting how much one can withdraw.塔利克说,这些日子以来,用钱很困难,因为银行限制个人的提款数目。

6.Your vision may be hazy or blurry for a few days or a week after surgery.手术后的几天或一周你的视力可能会暂时性地模糊。

7.That said, at least one member of this species had ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight during the waning days of the Repubpc.尽管如此,在共和国衰落期,至少一名这个种族的成员登上了绝地武士的高位。

8.He said some progress had been made over the nine days, providing a basis on which talks could resume.他表示,在过去的9天里,取得了一些进展,这为重启谈判奠定了基础。

9.Once upon a time, I used to be alone, and gradually I become eluding the opposite sex, the days are dull to me.从前,习惯了一个人的我,慢慢的,对异性存在躲避的心,日子枯燥无味。

10."I can't let you do that, " she says, envisioning, no doubt, the chaos that would descend in a matter of days.“我不能让你做”她说,脑海中浮现出如果这么干,几天之内毫无疑问会降临的种种混乱。