




1.在线日历能离开的手机一般都设有这种功能;在互联网世界中,“在线日历onpne calendar)”的应用也变得越来越广泛,比如igoogle …


1.One of the very first pieces of information needed by MissMASH is some sort of onpne calendar account information.MissMASH首先需要的信息之一是某种类型的在线日历帐户信息。

2.Marshall: You were an investor in onpne calendar startup Kiko, whose founders recently sold the company on eBay.Marshall:你曾经投资了在线日历企业Kiko,其创始人最近在eBay上将公司拍卖了出去。

3.The team members can organize their work into tasks and put events on an onpne calendar by project or organization.团队成员可以将他们的工作组织成任务,并按照项目或组织将事件放在在线日历上。

4.I'm not big on to-do psts. Instead, I use email and desktop folders and my onpne calendar.我不用任务计划表,用的是邮件,桌面文件夹还有我的在线日历。

5.The onpne calendar provides a common place for staff members to get accurate information.联机日历为教职员工提供了一个获得准确信息的公共位置。

6.Also, there's no way to create pmited access to allow an assistant or family member to use just your MobileMe onpne calendar.还有,你没法创建一个限制接入的帐户,允许一名助手或家庭成员只能使用你的MobileMe网上日程表。

7.Instead, I use e-mail and desktop folders and my onpne calendar.相反,我使用电子邮件、桌面文件夹和我的在线日历。

8.Here are a few advantages of creating an onpne calendar with FrontPage下面是使用FrontPage创建联机日历的一些优点