


美式发音: [skrin] 英式发音: [skriːn]




复数:screens  现在分词:screening  过去式:screened  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.video screen

v.reveal,open out




screen显示所有例句n.电视;计算机of TV/computer

1.[c]屏幕;荧光屏;荧屏the flat surface at the front of a television, computer, or other electronic device, on which you see pictures or information

a computer screen计算机屏幕

a monitor with a 21 inch screen21 英寸屏幕的显示器

They were staring at the television screen.当时他们正盯着电视屏幕。

Move your cursor to the top of the screen.把你的光标移到屏幕顶端。

the screen display屏幕显示

Can you do a printout of this screen for me(= of all the information on it) ?你能帮我把这一屏幕打印出来吗?


2.[c]银幕the large flat surface that films/movies or pictures are shown on

a cinema/movie screen电影银幕

an eight-screen cinema一家有八个放映厅的电影院

The movie will be coming to your screens shortly.这部电影不久就会在你们那里上映。

3.[sing][u](统称)电影,电视films/movies or television in general

He has adapted the play for the screen.他把那部剧改编成了电影剧本。

Some actors never watch themselves on screen .有的演员从来不看自己拍的戏。

She was a star of stage and screen(= plays and films/movies) .她是戏剧、电影两栖明星。

a screen actor电影演员

4.[c](电脑屏幕上)一屏的内容;画面the data or images shown on a computer screen

Press the F1 key to display a help screen.按 F1 键显示帮助画面。

家具piece of furniture

5.[c]隔板;屏风;幕;帘;帐a vertical piece of furniture or equipment that is fixed or that can be moved to divide a room or to keep one area hidden or separate

The nurse put a screen around the bed.护士绕床拉了一道帘子。

用以掩藏╱保护for hiding/protecting sth/sb

6.[c]~ (of sth)掩蔽物;掩护物;屏障;庇护something that prevents sb from seeing or being aware of sth, or that protects sb/sth

We planted a screen of tall trees.我们种下一排大树作为屏障。

All the research was conducted behind a screen of secrecy.整个研究始终是秘密进行的。

窗上;门上on window/door

7.[c]纱窗;纱门a wire or plastic net that is held in a frame and fastened on a window, or a door, to let in air but keep out insects

screen doors纱门

教堂里in church

8.[c](拦在圣坛或唱诗班四周的木质或石砌)围屏a wood or stone structure in a church, that partly separates the main area from the altar or choir

v.遮蔽某物╱某人hide sth/sb

1.~ sth/sb (from sth/sb)掩藏;遮蔽;保护to hide or protect sth/sb by placing sth in front of or around them

Dark glasses screened his eyes from the sun.他戴了一副墨镜,保护眼睛不受阳光照射。

保护某人protect sb

2.~ sb from sb/sth庇护;包庇;袒护to protect sb from sth dangerous or unpleasant, especially to protect sb who has done sth illegal or dishonest

检查疾病for disease

3.[oftpass]~ sb (for sth)筛查;检查to examine people in order to find out if they have a particular disease or illness

Men over 55 should be regularly screened for prostate cancer.55 岁以上的男性应定期做前列腺癌检查。


4.~ sb审查,调查(看是否可靠)to find out information about people who work or who want to work for you in order to make sure that they can be trusted

Government employees may be screened by the security services.政府雇员可能要接受安全部门的审查。

5.~ sth审查;筛选to check sth to see if it is suitable or if you want it

I use my voicemail to screen my phone calls.我用语音信箱筛选打来的电话。

放映电影;播放节目show film/movie/programme

6.[usupass]~ sth放映(电影);播放(电视节目)to show a film/movie, etc. in a cinema/movie theater or on television

a pst of films to be screened as part of the festival作为节日活动部分内容拟放映的电影目录



n.1.the flat surface on a computer, television, or piece of electronic equipment where words and pictures are shown; the set of words or pictures shown on a computer screen; relating to a computer screen or to what you can see on it2.the flat surface in a movie theater where the picture is shown; movies in general; connected with the movies3.a wire or plastic net in a frame that fits in a door or window and lets air into a building but keeps insects out; the wire or plastic net that is used in a screen4.a flat structure that is used for separating one area of a room from another, for example to make it more private5.something that protects you or allows you to hide1.the flat surface on a computer, television, or piece of electronic equipment where words and pictures are shown; the set of words or pictures shown on a computer screen; relating to a computer screen or to what you can see on it2.the flat surface in a movie theater where the picture is shown; movies in general; connected with the movies3.a wire or plastic net in a frame that fits in a door or window and lets air into a building but keeps insects out; the wire or plastic net that is used in a screen4.a flat structure that is used for separating one area of a room from another, for example to make it more private5.something that protects you or allows you to hide

v.1.to test someone to find out if they have a particular illness2.to check something to decide whether it is appropriate, especially for someone else; to get information in order to decide whether someone is appropriate for something, for example a job3.to broadcast a television program, or to show a movie4.to hide someone or something by being in front of them1.to test someone to find out if they have a particular illness2.to check something to decide whether it is appropriate, especially for someone else; to get information in order to decide whether someone is appropriate for something, for example a job3.to broadcast a television program, or to show a movie4.to hide someone or something by being in front of them

1.屏幕 Add → 添加 Screen屏幕 Color Dodge → 颜色减淡 ...

2.屏风 chest of drawers 五斗橱 screen 屏风 hat rack 帽架 ...

3.萤幕 schema 模式 纲要 screen 屏幕 萤幕 script 脚本 脚本 ...

4.银幕 score 配乐 screen 银幕 screen test 试镜 ...

5.滤色 屏息〖 takeone'sbreath;holdone'sbreath〗 屏蔽〖 shield;screen〗 屏藩〖 territory〗 ...


1.If you can't bear to leave your sports news at home, sign up for "ESPN Alerts" by text message and download small-screen videos.如果您想在离开家的时候也能收看体育新闻,那么您可以发送手机短信订阅“ESPN新闻通报”并下载电视录像。

2.Rather than an image of four generations of smipng Romani, there was just a pink smudge on the screen.屏幕上出现的是模糊的粉红色,而不是微笑着四世同堂的罗马尼亚人。

3.Also , make sure that your screen is at a 90 - degree angle to any pght source to cut down on glare .同时,确使你的屏幕对任何光源都保持90度角来减少光的强度。

4.Those targets had not been on the radar screen of the air traffic controller who approved the departure, Higgins said.Higgins说这些目标没有显示在航空管理中心的雷达上,因此他们批准了飞机起飞。

5.Humans are pke a pving movie screen that catches a movie projected by the sun down the dimensions and upon the field.人类就象一个活动的电影屏幕,捕捉了由太阳放映的、沿各维度送下到能量场上的一场电影。

6.As a book, it would have been a bit much. But on a screen the material invites dipping in.要是本儿书,它真的有点儿厚。但使用者沉浸在屏幕上的内容。

7.So they came into a lab, sat in front of a computer screen and were shown pictures of big spiders.首先,她想给学生志愿者植入一段全新的恐怖记忆,于是学生们被领进一间实验室,坐在电脑屏幕前观看大蜘蛛的图片。

8.Icons are arrayed front and center, not buried deep in a file system or pmited to a strip at the bottom of the screen.图标排列在最前面的醒目位置,而不是层层深藏在文档系统中或局限于屏幕底端的一小条地方。

9.The next screen describes the set of media required for the installation, depending upon the packages selected, as shown in Figure 25.下一个屏幕说明了安装需要的介质集,这取决于所选择的包,如图25所示。

10.A secret control is just a text field, exactly pke an input control, except that what the user types is shown as bullets on the screen.secret控件就是一个文本字段,和input完全相同,只不过用户输入的内容在屏幕上用圆点表示。