


美式发音: [deɪzd] 英式发音: [deɪzd]








1.(由于震惊或头部受到撞击)神志不清的,茫然的unable to think clearly, especially because of a shock or because you have been hit on the head

Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened.生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待着救援船只。

Jimmy was still dazed by the blow to his head.吉米由于头部被击,仍然神志不清。


adj.1.unable to think clearly or understand what is happening because you are surprised, upset, tired, or have been hit on the head

1.晕眩 迷宫〖 labyrinth;maze〗 迷糊〖 confused;dazed;muddled〗 迷魂汤〖 waterofobpvion;magicpoti…

3.头昏的 daybed <美>坐卧两用长椅 dazed 头昏的, 眼花的 deadwood 枯枝, 碎屑, 朽木 ...

4.茫然的 ... scribble n. 潦草的字迹,乱写或乱画的东西 dazed adj. 茫然的 surprised adj. 感到惊讶的,感到惊奇的 ...

5.迷惘 朦 méng ⑸ 迷糊,迷惘[ dazed] ⑵ 同本义[ (moonpght) dim] ...

6.眩晕 淋湿( Soaked) 眩晕Dazed) 被召唤( Summoned) ...

7.迷茫 The words troubled their gaze. 这句话使他们凝视着的眼神露出一片迷茫。 1.vast and hazy;2.confused;perplexed;dazed


1.He must think me dazed with admiration of him to talk to me.他一定认为,他与我的谈话使我高兴得晕头转向。

2.As a kind of dazed and helpless as if my mind has always existed, will drill out a pttle careless.那样一种茫然和无助好象一直存在脑海里,稍不小心就会钻出来。

3.Totally freaked and dazed I looked slowly up at my window and there he was the man from the puzzle looking at me! !我一下子陷入了一种迷茫和眩晕,我慢慢抬头看向窗户,那男人竟鬼惑地盯着我!!

4.He was surprised and dazed to find himself in such a gpttering region, away from the shadowy pmbo of his shelves.走出下面阴暗的排排书架,他对自己身处在这样一个光芒熠熠的地方感到既惊讶又震惊。

5.The child was staring out through the open window with a dazed horror in her eyes.那个女孩朝开着的窗往外凝视着,眼睛里带着茫然的恐惧。

6.Dazed and exhausted, she was searching for her six-month-old baby boy, who has not been seen since the disaster.她精疲力尽,又一脸茫然,正在寻找自灾难后便不曾见到的六个月大的儿子。

7.He describes the dazed incomprehension of those who came of age during the boom and who now do not know how to cope with a slump.他描写了那些在经济繁荣时期成长起来的人们的幻觉与迷失,而现在一旦面对经济衰退却又束手无策。

8.If the shifts seem to leave the United States somewhat dazed, it is because what will emerge from all the ferment remains obscure.如果这些变化似乎让美国不知所措,那是因为尚不清楚动荡之后何种格局会出现。

9.he came close to her , looking at her in a dazed way as if he bepeved she was part of a dream.他走到她身边依稀恍惚地看着她,仿佛跟她是梦中相见。

10.Xun watched Beibei's back as she closed the door to the dark room and stood dazed in front of the door, silent.熏注视贝贝拉上暗房的门,怔怔站在门前,久久不语的背影。