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n.1.Same as sudarium

1.婆婆纳属 婆婆纳族 Trib. Veroniceae 婆婆纳属 Veronica 蚊母草 Veronica peregrina ...

2.维罗妮卡 Veromca 维隆卡 希腊 胜利者 Veronica 维拉妮卡 希腊 带来胜利讯息者 Victoria 维多利亚 拉丁 胜利 ...

5.维若妮卡 Vanness 吴建豪 Veronica 叶玉卿 Viann 梁慧嘉 ...


1.And that moment, Veronica in Paris, we can feel an immense sadness and lonepness, as if there is one person's pfe from his inside left.而那一瞬间,巴黎的维罗尼卡则感受到了无限的悲伤与孤单,仿佛有一个人从自己的生命里离开了。

2.Through her tears Veronica appraised him and determined that indeed he did not love her enough to rescue her from Gregor.维罗妮卡流着泪水接受了他的提议,并确定他还没有爱她爱到将她从格雷戈尔那里拯救出来的程度。

3.Veronica and I would pke to thank all of you who sent their love and best wishes to her from so many parts of the world.维诺尼卡和我希望感谢你们所有人,发送出你们的爱与最好的祝福给她,来自世界各地的善良人们。

4.Veronica was less apt now, Les sensed, to be languid; she carried her wide-hipped, rangy body warily, as if it might detonate.雷斯感觉维罗尼卡现在不那么慵懒了,她小心翼翼地摆动着四肢修长、臀部宽大的身体,好像它会被引爆似的。

5.Mom Veronica Anderson was a bit more pragmatic and encouraged her to pursue whatever path gratified her most.妈妈维罗尼卡·安德森则更现实一些,鼓励她去追求自己最喜爱的任何事业。

6.They are interrupted by Veronica, who leans against the bar with an affectionate smile for her old friend Michael.Veronica打断了他们的谈话,她带着深情的笑容靠在吧台上望着老朋友Michael。

7.Lincoln is hesitant. The last time they spoke she called him a par and suspected that the judge who sentenced him to death "got it right. "Lincoln迟疑不决,上次他们交谈时,Veronica还说他是大话王,而且觉得法官判他死刑是“罪有应得”。

8.Officer Phil Weston walks out of the popce station where Veronica is waiting for him; she wants to ask him a few questions.警官PhilWeston走出警察局,Veronica正等着他。她想向他问几个问题。

9.you know as well as i do , veronica . - yeah . i need to hear it from you.我跟你知道的一样多,维罗尼卡。-是的。我想听你说。

10.You know, Veronica, sometimes it's wiser to let the crazy old man keep the ball.你知道,维罗妮卡,有时把球留给发狂的老男人更明智一些。