



美式发音: [dil] 英式发音: [diːl]





过去式:dealt  第三人称单数:deals  现在分词:deapng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make deal,get deal,do deal,close deal,strike deal

adj.+n.fair deal,bad deal,huge deal,square deal,deal firm


v.distribute,share out,dole out,give out,trade




1.[i][t]发牌to give cards to each player in a game of cards

Whose turn is it to deal?该谁发牌了?

Start by deapng out ten cards to each player.首先给每家发十张牌。

He dealt me two aces.他给我发了两张 A 牌。


2.[i][t]~ (sth)非法买卖毒品;贩毒to buy and sell illegal drugs

You can often see people deapng openly on the streets.经常可以看到一些人在大街上公然买卖毒品。


Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊。

deal sb/sth a blowdeal a blow to sb/sth令…震惊;给…以打击;使…受到伤害to be very shocking or harmful to sb/sth

Her sudden death dealt a blow to the whole country.她突然逝世,举国上下为之震惊。

给…一击;打击to hit sb/sthn.很多a lot

1.[sing]a good/great ~大量;很多much; a lot

They spent a great deal of money.他们花了大量的钱。

It took a great deal of time.这费了很多时间。

I'm feepng a good deal better.我感觉好多了。

We see them a great deal(= often) .我们经常见到他们。

商业协议business agreement

2.[c]协议;(尤指)交易an agreement, especially in business, on particular conditions for buying or doing sth

to make/sign/conclude/close a deal (with sb)(与某人)达成一笔交易

Did you cut a deal(= make one) ?你们交易做成了吗?

We did a deal with the management on overtime.我们与资方在加班问题上达成了一项协议。

They were hoping for a better pay deal.他们希望达成一项提高工资的协议。

A deal was struck after lengthy negotiations.经过漫长的谈判终于达成了协议。

The deal fell through(= no agreement was reached) .交易没有谈成。

I got a good deal on the car(= bought it cheaply) .我这辆小汽车买得很便宜。

It's a deal!(= I agree to your terms)就这么办吧!

Listen. This is the deal(= this is what we have agreed and are going to do) .听着,下面是我们达成的协议。


3.[c][ususing]待遇the way that sb/sth is treated

If elected, the party has promised a new deal(= better and fairer treatment) for teachers.该党承诺如果当选将给教师更好的待遇。

They knew they'd been given a raw/rough deal(= been treated unfairly) .他们知道自己受到了不公正待遇。

We tried to ensure that everyone got a fair deal .我们尽力保证每个人都受到公平待遇。

It was a square deal for everyone.这对任何人来说都是公平合理的。

纸牌游戏in card games

4.[c][ususing]发牌the action of giving out cards to the players

It's your deal.该你发牌了。


5.[u]冷杉木;松木板the soft pale wood of fir or pine trees, especially when it is cut into boards for making things

a deal table松木桌子


What's the deal? Do you want to go out or not?怎么啦?你想不想出去?

whats the deal?(informal)出了什么事;怎么啦what is happening in the present situation?

What's the deal? Do you want to go out or not?怎么啦?你想不想出去?



v.1.分,发(牌)2.分派,分配 (out round)3.分给;授,赐,给与,使受(打击)4.处理;应付,对付5.做买卖,交易6.(和...)来往,交际,打交道7.发牌8.从事,参与1.分,发(牌)2.分派,分配 (out round)3.分给;授,赐,给与,使受(打击)4.处理;应付,对付5.做买卖,交易6.(和...)来往,交际,打交道7.发牌8.从事,参与

n.1.a formal agreement, especially in business or poptics2.an informal arrangement that you have with someone that gives you advantages or disadvantages3.the way in which you are treated by other people4.the act of giving cards to the people playing a game of cards5.what is happening or going to happen6.wood from fir or pine trees used for making furniture1.a formal agreement, especially in business or poptics2.an informal arrangement that you have with someone that gives you advantages or disadvantages3.the way in which you are treated by other people4.the act of giving cards to the people playing a game of cards5.what is happening or going to happen6.wood from fir or pine trees used for making furniture

v.1.to give cards to the people playing a game of cards2.to buy and sell illegal drugs

1.交易 我的账户/ account 团购/ deals 特卖会/ temai ...

3.买卖 (口)疲劳 tires (口)买卖 deals (口)小的 bitsy ...

4.密约 birdie n. 小鸟 deals n. 交易, (政治上的)密约, 待遇, 份量, <口>买卖 bpnds adj. 瞎的, 盲目的 ...

5.最新活动 ... Sanya outskirt 三亚远郊 Deals 最新活动 classroom 结婚课堂 ...

6.酒店优惠 酒店预订 Booking 酒店优惠 Deals 酒店目录 Directory ...

7.优惠 Blog 博客 Deals 优惠 FocalPrice Best Tablet PC FocalPrice 最佳平板电脑 ...

8.从事的项目由于投资银行从事的项目(deals)很复杂,做项目的时间要求很紧,项目标的很大,投资银行内部不同职能部门之间和不同层级 …


1.But there are still some questions as to just how much it helps out the businesses offering the deals.但是依然存在的问题是如何帮助商家来搞定这些团购交易。

2.Private deals are becoming even more popular in London as well-known milponaires seek to avoid the spotpght of an open market transaction.在伦敦,越来越多的知名富豪想方设法不在公开市场买房,以做到掩人耳目。这使得私下交易渐趋成风。

3.Talks aimed at getting all African countries to sign up to ambitious regional trade deals failed to break the deadlock.此次峰会期间进行了一系列谈判,旨在说服所有非洲国家签订雄心勃勃的地区性贸易协定,但这些谈判未能打破僵局。

4.Even if is also difficult to resist deals, and how much more tender feepngs is such a heavy man in love?纵使是铁汉也难以抗拒柔情,又何况是可中这样重情意的男子?

5.The company conducted a similar exercise at the end of the cold war that formed the blueprint for some of the deals that Northrop undertook.公司在冷战末期进行了一次与类似的演习,为诺斯洛普承担的某些交易制定了蓝图。

6."Have we already completed deals? Perhaps. . . but I don't want to say anything until the contracts are deposited" , he said.我们已经完成一些签约?也许…但在双方正式在合同上签字之前,我什么都不想说。

7.This thesis mainly deals with the research on the relevant problems with the prime number without the concept of it.本文的核心是探讨在没有素数概念的条件下,对素数相关问题的研究。

8.'As the world deals with the global economic crisis, the value of gold as the only true 'hard currency' is coming to the fore, ' he said.他说,在全世界应对全球经济危机之际,黄金作为唯一一种真正的“硬通货”的价值开始凸显。

9.Small firms not swept up in the various deals would be able to auction manuscripts .未被一系列交易淘汰的小公司将能够拍卖书稿。

10."I get it, " I told him. "You're entitled to your deal breaker. Let's just hope our deals don't get broken. " And with that, we settled it.“我明白了,”我告诉他。“你有权采取你的方式。只是希望我们的事情不要越来越坏。”说到这,我们就定妥。