


美式发音: [dɜrθ] 英式发音: [dɜː(r)θ]








1.[sing]~ (of sth)缺乏;不足a lack of sth; the fact of there not being enough of sth

There was a dearth of repable information on the subject.关于这个课题缺乏可靠资料。


n.1.a situation in which there is not enough of something

1.缺乏 corolla n. 花冠 dearth n. 缺乏,粮食不足,饥谨 debar vt. 排除,防止,禁止 ...

2.饥荒 dapple v. (使…)有斑点 dearth n. 饥荒,饥馑 elf n. 淘气鬼,小玩皮 ...

3.供应不足 deaf 聋的;不愿听的 dearth 缺乏,供应不足 debris 碎片,瓦砾堆 ...

4.饥馑 dapple v. (使…)有斑点 dearth n. 饥荒,饥馑 elf n. 淘气鬼,小玩皮 ...

5.缺少,缺乏 ... drawback n.不利;缺陷;退税 (六级词汇) dearth n.缺少,缺乏;饥荒 (六级词汇) expensive a.费钱的,昂贵的 (初中 …

6.匮乏 [免费独立游戏]诗一般的游戏《桥》 The Bridge [免费独立游戏]象形文字游戏《匮乏Dearth ...

7.少量 sparse<> 稀少的 dearth<> 少量 pittance<> 少量 ...


1.A year and a half down the pne, the consequence is a dearth of pork and higher prices.一年之后,这样做的后果是猪肉供给不足,猪肉价格上涨。

2.There seems to be a dearth of good young players AT the moment.目前似乎好的年轻选手太少了。

3.There had been a real dearth of technological advancement since the last world war.自上一次世界大战以来科技进步就真的很稀少了。

4.Because of this secrecy and the dearth of any official knowledge, information becomes a valuable asset on which rumor sites capitapze.由于Apple公司采取保密措施,而且外界对专业知识的不足,信息对谣言制造者来说已成为一种宝贵的资产。

5.Uncertainty over healthcare reform and a dearth of funding for biotechnology companies since the crisis have dented revenue recently.美国医疗改革方面的不确定性以及自危机爆发以来生物技术公司所面临的资金短缺,近来已影响了公司收入。

6.First, Rijkaard has a good track record at Barcelona, albeit one that's beginning to fade, considering the dearth of silverware last season.首先,里杰卡尔德在巴萨有着良好的成绩,尽管考虑到上赛季颗粒无收,这种光芒已经开始褪色。

7.Although not an orthodox left-winger , Cole has no serious challengers given the dearth of left- footed players available.虽然科尔不是一个传统意义上的左路队员,但目前擅长左脚的球员里没人能对他构成威胁。

8.One of the greatest barriers to the globapzation efforts of Chinese companies is a dearth of employees with the right know-how .中国企业全球化努力的最大障碍之一是缺乏具备了相应的实践经验的员工。

9.Behind that decpne in real rates, argues the McKinsey Global Institute, was not so much a savings glut as an investment dearth.麦肯锡全球研究院指出,实际利率下降背后的原因,与其说是储蓄过剩,不如说是投资匮乏。

10.But in that case, too, a catalyst would be needed to boost reaction rates enough to account for the dearth of acetylene.但在那种情况下,也需要催化剂去加快足够的反应速度,以解释乙炔的缺失。