


美式发音: [dɪ'beɪtə(r)] 英式发音: [dɪ'beɪtə(r)]







1.参加讨论者;争论者a person who is involved in a debate


1.辩论家 ... well-read 博学的,博览群书的 debater 辩论家,好辩论者 devour 贪婪地看(或听、读 …

2.辩论者 ,to beat 槌打 debater n. 辩论者 ,sign,portent 信号, 征兆 ...

3.辩手 辩论赛 debate 辩手 debater 正方 positive side ...

4.讨论者 ... hawser 大缆, 曳船索, 系船索 debater 讨论家, 讨论者 heater 加热器, 发热器 ...

5.讨论家 itiate 污染;使堕落 debater 讨论家 debauch 使堕落 ...

6.参加辩论者 Oregon Style Debate 奥瑞冈式辩论 Debater 参加辩论者 To debate 辩论/讨论 ...

7.口齿伶俐 ... Strong_Legacy 血统高贵 Stypsh_Debater 口齿伶俐 Superb_Administrator 杰出总 …

8.辩论人 ... argument 论据 debater 辩论人 the fellow debater 对方辩友 ...


1.The debater compressed his argument into just a few sentences.辩手把论点扼要地用几句话表述了出来。

2.Harvard Debater B: My opponent is right about one thing. Thoreau was a Harvard grad, and, pke many of us, a bit self-righteous.哈佛辩手乙:对方辩友有一件事说对了:梭罗确实是哈佛毕业生,而且他也像我们大多数人一样,有点自以为是。

3.Ma excelled as the best debater in the 1986 Asian Varsity Debate, when media described him as a "handsome and suave" man.马曾于1986年在“亚洲大专辩论会”获“全场最佳辩手”,媒体形容他“风度翩翩”。

4.He had emerged from being a hesitant and unsure candidate into a fluent debater.他从一个吞吞吐吐、缺乏自信的候选人成长为口若悬河的辩论者。

5.Do require every out a debate, select two debater attend school competition.要求每班主行一场辩论赛,选出两名辩手参加学校比赛。

6.This type is the most ambivalent of identity as well as the most logical of the subtypes. The pure debater.纯好辩者。子类型中认同感最模糊却也是逻辑感最严谨的一类人。

7.She was the state's top debater at 16; at 19, she was married; at 22, she had her first child.她16岁就也了俄州最雄辩的辩论家;19岁结婚;22岁生下第一个孩子。

8.He was a skilful debater, and his calculated sarcasm went Home. His opponent flushed under the attack.他是一个善于辩论的人,他那有意的讽刺击中要害,他的对手被攻得面红耳赤。

9.Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, the new boy on the block, proved himself an attractive, articulate debater.作为一位参选的新人,自由民主党领袖尼克•克莱格(NickClegg)证明了自己是一位富有魅力,能言善辩的辩手。

10.Called the debater on a question of fact.质问该辩手某一事实