


美式发音: [ˈpriˌfektʃər] 英式发音: [ˈpriːˌfektʃə(r)]






1.(法、意、日等国的)地方行政区域;省;县an area of local government in some countries, for example France, Italy and Japan


n.1.one of the districts into which some countries are divided

1.专区 autonomous region 自治区 prefecture 专区 county 县 ...

2.地区 autonomous region 专区 prefecture county 民族,国籍 ...


5.府 post road station 驿 prefecture prefecture 州 ...

6.地方官的任期 ... basin n.盆,盆地,水池 prefecture n.地方官的任期,辖区 river n.河,江 ...

7.辖区 ... basin n.盆,盆地,水池 prefecture n.地方官的任期,辖区 river n.河,江 ...

8.郡  (Prefecture) 郡守(Prefect)  县(country) 县令\县长(Magistrare)[编辑本段]中央官职秦设丞相、太尉和御史大夫,组成中枢机构。


1.There is no evidence of contaminated food from Fukushima prefecture, where the plant is located, reaching other countries, he said.他又补充道,没有任何迹象表明核电站所在地福岛县把那些受到污染的食品出口到国外。

2.But he also said he would 'take into consideration the [recent] U. S. -Japan agreement' to keep a Marine air station in the prefecture.但他也说,他会顾及近期美日之间达成的协议,把美国海军的一个机场留在冲绳县。

3.The brook Huan Zhu Prefecture, bridges cross Bi quicksand. The wind is not the door wall, long and cold spray.溪上还珠太守家,小桥斜跨碧流沙。清风不共门墙改,长与寒泉起浪花。

4.In 1684 the Qing Dynasty re-annexed Taiwan and renamed the town Fengshan County, considering it a part of Taiwan Prefecture.在1684年清朝重新吞并台湾并改名县凤山镇,认为它的一部分,台湾府。

5.Further south in Chiba prefecture, firefighters battled an out-of-control oil refinery blaze that spewed fireballs into the sky.千叶县的远南地区,消防员正在与已经无法控制的炼油厂火焰战斗,许多喷射出的火球直往天上乱蹿。

6.Nagano Prefecture is said the bones of EGL Actress country people eat shabu shabu hot springs is a dedicated spa.据传东瀛女..优国长野县的白骨温泉就是让人吃涮涮锅专用的温泉。

7.The IAEA said there appeared to be high levels of contamination in the soil and vegetation in the Fukushima prefecture.IAEA表示,福岛县的土壤和植物中似乎含有高水平的污染物。

8.Onagawa is one of the many small towns sitting along the deeply indented, sawtooth shore that pnes the coast of northern Miyagi prefecture.日本北部宫城县的海岸线像锯齿一样犬牙交错。位于这片海滨的女川,是宫城县海岸线上众多的小镇之一。

9.Or maybe, the prefecture's just trying to make it look pke it is working really hard?或者可能只是辖区的管理者们为了使得他们看起来确实在努力工作?

10.Its southeastern and northern parts are surrounded by mountains, and a vast plain spreads across the centre of the prefecture.它的东南部和北部地区周围的山,广阔平原之间传播的中心,县。