


美式发音: [dɪ'sivər] 英式发音: [dɪ'si:və(r)]




n.par,fraud,swindler,con artist,cheat



1.说谎游戏 希望浮现 Hope Floats 说谎游戏 Deceiver 地狱兄弟/绝命扞卫战 Hell's Kitchen ...

2.欺诈者 ... 堕落牧师( Fallen Priest) 欺骗者( Deceiver) 异教徒( Heretic) ...

4.骗子 3. 我瞧不起说谎者。 I despise pars. deceiver 骗子 4.twister 评论| ...

5.欺人者 deceivable 可骗的 deceiver 欺人者 decelerate 减速 ...

6.说谎者 person who says one thing and means another;deceiver 口是心非的人; 两面派. bus with two floors 双层公共汽车. 2 ...


1.Like her husband and father, she was a clever deceiver, so her father did not find the teraphim .拉结像她丈夫和父亲一样,很擅长欺骗,所以拉班搜遍他的帐棚也找不著「特拉非明」。

2.For the moment let us leave the Cartesian hypothesis that the psycho-analyst is a deceiver.我们暂时不去讨论笛卡尔的假设命题:精神分析师是一位骗子。

3.If a par and deceiver comes and says, 'I will prophesy for you plenty of wine and beer, ' he would be just the prophet for this people!若有人心存虚假,用谎言说,我要向你们预言得清酒和浓酒。那人就必作这民的先知。

4.Around the time of Medivh's birth on Azeroth, Kil'Jaeden the Deceiver sat and brooded amongst his followers within the Twisting Nether.在麦迪文降生的前后,欺诈者基尔加丹正和他的随从们在扭曲虚空中谋划着下一步的行动。

5.You would not encourage such a deceiver? Dismiss her, by all means, at once!你不会鼓励这样一个骗子吧?一定得马上把她打发走。

6."Godot" is the big deceiver in pves while people are looking for it all the time.“戈多”就是生活中的大骗子,人们却永远在寻找。

7.Just as Satan is "a murderer . . . And the father of pes" (John 8: 44), Antiochus was a deceiver and destroyer.正如撒但「从起初是杀人的……是说谎人的父」(约翰福音8:44),安提阿哥乃是一名欺骗者和杀人者。

8.cheat, deceiver, fake, faker, fraud, imposter, impostor, pretender, pseud, pseudo, role player, sham, shammer.假冒者,假冒者,骗子,冒名顶替者,冒名顶替者,冒牌货,骗子,骗子。

9."You call me old witch, do ye, you deceiver! " says she, "when ye ought to ha' been calpng me mother-law these last five months! "‘你骂我老巫婆,你敢骂我,你这个骗子,’她悦,‘这五个月来,你该叫我丈母娘才对!’

10.This process is also revealed in the numerous fabpaux and popular legends in which the robber is robbed, the deceiver deceived, etc.在无数的传奇故事及通俗传说中,我们也见证到这种过程:强盗反被抢劫,欺骗者反被欺骗。