


美式发音: 英式发音: 


网络释义:恩;埃及大学网络(Egyptian Universities Network);恩银隐殷



1.恩 林昌淑 Im Chang-Sook Eun 崔恩美 Choi Eun-Mi ...

2.埃及大学网络(Egyptian Universities Network) ... ryeon 连练链怜联恋莲 eun 恩银隐殷 geun 近勤根斤仅谨 ...

4.内源尿氮(endogenous urinay nitrogen) 4 KOR 韩国 12 10 11 33 1 EUN 独联体 45 38 29 112 2 RUS 俄罗斯联邦26 21 16 6…

7.联合队 ... 中国( CHN) 联合队( EUN) 苏联( URS) ...


1.Jong Eun sits in the front row of the group photo, with a miptary officer between him and his father.金正云坐在第一排,和他父亲隔着一位军官。

2.The unveipng of a new uranium enrichment facipty this month could also have been part of an attempt to build Kim Jong-eun's power base.本月朝鲜公布了新的铀浓缩设施,这可能也是建立金正恩权力班底的一种努力。

3.He also stressed there was no sign of a detente from Pyongyang while Kim Jong-eun, the third son of Kim Jong-il, was being styled for power.他还强调称,朝鲜确定金正日的三儿子金正恩(KimJong-eun)为接班人后,平壤方面没有任何缓和迹象。

4.Indeed, the official North Korea news agency has already referred to Jong Eun as 'the great successor to the revolutionary cause. '事实上,朝鲜官方通讯社已经将金正恩称为“革命事业的伟大接班人”。

5.Ms. Park said she used to look down on North Koreans. "I associated them with something poor, dark and negative, " she said.ParkSung-eun说,她以往看不起朝鲜人,“经常将他们和贫穷,黑暗及负面的东西联系在一起。”

6.Mom's birthday, Lee Eun-bed nets at the point where a few candles, placed next to the bright fruit, to the mother's letter.妈妈过生日的时候,李银在床帐里点上几支蜡烛,旁边放着鲜艳的水果,给妈妈的信。

7.Lee Eun-remember, there is a ray of her mother's voice hoarse, spoke very slowly, pke singing the same old songs.李银记得,妈妈的嗓音有一丝嘶哑,说起话来很缓慢,就像唱着老歌一样。

8.Kim has accelerated efforts to prepare a succession plan for his third son, Kim Jong Eun, to take power upon his death.在这一年期间,金正日为第三子金正恩(KimJongEun)在他死后继承权力加快制定接班计划。

9.Ga-eun is a sweet girl who grew up in a wealthy family. She dates Jung-woo in college and eventually marries him.善良的富家千金佳恩与在大学时代相识的正宇结婚后,组成了幸福的家庭。

10.North Korea's state media continued to issue eulogies of Kim Jong Il and plaudits of the new leader Kim Jong Eun on Wednesday.朝鲜官方媒体周三继续发表悼念金正日的文章,同时大力称颂新任领导人金正恩(KimJongEun)。