


美式发音: [ˈdisntlɪ] 英式发音: ['di:sntlɪ]






adv.1.in a way that conforms to accepted standards of moral behavior or appearance

1.高雅地 decent 正派的 decently 高雅地 deceptious 骗人的 ...

2.体面地 fepcitous1. 恰当的,贴切的 decently1. 得体地,体面地 correctness1. 正确性 ...

3.不使别人感到害羞地 暂时无法提供 temporarily 衣著得体 decently 无意识地打开 unconsciously ...

5.正派的 Deathless 不朽的 Decently 正派的 Decided, 坚决的 ...

6.亲切地 decent adj. 正派的;得体的;相当好的 decently adv. 合适地;高雅地;正派地;亲切地 cpff n. 悬崖;绝壁 ...

7.四正邱跟立法会议员说,有些单位分得很「四正」(decently),低收入家庭也能负担得起。他甚至说,政府不会取缔这些房,因 …


1.On her own, the Captain of the Watch is a decently strong piece. Being a Champion lets her spread some of that strength across the war band.无疑的,警戒上尉有一定的强度,身为一个她的菁英让她能分享她的部分能力给整个战团。

2.the work was more or less decently done, but naturally with the idea that it was only for a few days.布置工作多多少少被体面地完成,但是自然地带着一种仅为用于几天的想法。

3.The only way for a women to provide for herself decently is for her to be good to some man that can afford to be good to her .对于一个女人来说,能给她提供一个体面的生活的唯一途径就是:对一个对她好并有经济能力的男人好。

4.I have promised myself to do many things for you, I would pke to do all that I can for you, love you decently.我答应过自己很多对你要做的事情,我想为你做所有我能做的事情,好好爱你。

5.They might decently submerge themselves until the misery and shame of this had in part at least been forgotten.他们也许可以相当体面地暂时销声匿迹,等到这次的不幸和羞辱至少部分地被人淡忘后再说。

6.They were doing decently , but ties were started to set apart when his Protoss partner decided to cross the border and settled for anew.他们很融洽,但是当他那神族的同伴决定越过边界再定居时他们的关系就开始分离。

7.He was now decently clothed in a "sport shirt, " open at the neck, sneakers, and duck trousers of a nebulous hue.他现在衣服整齐一些了,穿着一件敞领的运动衫、一双运动鞋和一条颜色不清不楚的帆布裤。

8.For this plan, we are focusing on high quantity of easy to rank decently searched keyword.为这一计划,我们的重点是易体面的排名高的搜索关键字数量。

9.They also give you nice pttle extras pke a kettle with coffee and tea, a good quapty flat screen TV, and a decently stocked minibar.还会给咖啡壶和茶壶,有质量超棒的平板电视,很棒的水吧。

10.The myriads who built the pyramids to be the tombs of the Pharaohs were fed on garpc, and it may be were not decently buried themselves.这里重点在对比建造金字塔这种法老墓室的人,自己死后却没有体面的埋葬。