




1.回到学校 26. collect stamps 集邮 28. return to school 回到学校 29. attend a meeting 参加一个会议 ...

2.返回学校 ... school uniform 校服 return to school 返回学校 a family business 家族生意;家族企业 ...

3.返校 [president] 大学的主要负责人 return to school; 返校 night school 夜校 ...

4.重返学校 ... 5. give out leaflets 发传单→ give it/them out。 6. return to school 重返学校→ 13. make a sentence 造句→ ...

5.重返校园 ... 在贫困地区 in poor areas 重返校园 return to school 著名的流行明星 famous pop star…

6.回到学校上课 165、ask for two weeks’ leave 请两天的假 166、return to school 回到学校上课 167、have a bad weekend 度过一个糟糕的 …

7.返校日 ... Christmas & New Year Hopday 圣诞及新年假期 Return to School 返校日 Assessment 2 期末考 ...


1.then tom marched out of the house and over the hills and far away , to return to school no more that day . presently becky began to suspect.于是汤姆大步流星走出教室,翻过小山,走到很远的地方,那一天他是不打算再回学校了。

2.This afternoon to return to school, do not know why this semester many hopdays, always a hopday, the Wu Yu.今天下午就要回学校了,不知道这个学期为什麽假期很多,总是放假,都无语了。

3.every time looking at her to return to school, my heart also.每次看着她恋恋不舍的回校,我的内心同样。

4.On the first day he had sick leave, but he did not return to school the following days, prompting his teacher to try contacting his aunt.第一天他是请的病假,但他接下来几天都没有回校上课,让他的老师试图联系其姑姑。

5.So I had to return to school on Monday and tell Mr Priestley and the class that I had not won.因此,我不得不在星期一时空手而归并将我未获奖的消息告诉普里斯特利先生和全班同学。

6.Still, Howard hopes to save enough to return to school and study for a degree in business.但是,霍华德仍希望自己能存足够的钱重返学校,以便拿到一个商业学位。

7.Nest Despite the lack of a lot of class, but she once again return to school, can take an examination of the first no.尽管缺了不少课,可她一旦返回学校,又能不费吹灰之力地考第一名。

8.When I once again return to school, has classes, I sat down and found a pen forgot.当我再次返回学校,已经上课了,我坐下后,发现忘带钢笔了。

9.After that I had to return to school to have extra classes, for I was going to graduate the next years.之后。我必须返回学校那个特殊的班级。为了我明年能够毕业。

10.More than the use of magic to stop Harry returned to school, Harry's good friend Ron drove in a magic flying effortlessly return to school.多比使用魔法阻止哈利回到霍格沃兹,哈利和好朋友罗恩驾着一辆施了魔法的飞车费力地返回霍格沃兹。