


美式发音: [dɪˈkɔrəm] 英式发音: [dɪˈkɔːrəm]








1.礼貌得体;端庄稳重popte behaviour that is appropriate in a social situation


n.1.popte behavior

1.礼貌 rearrange vt. 再排列, 重新整理 decorum n. 礼貌 humdinger n. 极出色的人 ...

2.礼仪 decorate v. 装修,装饰 decorum n. 礼仪 decree v . 颁布 n.法令,规定; ...

3.礼节 conundrum 谜语 decorum 礼节,礼貌 theorum 定理,原理 ...

4.体统 体贴〖 beconsiderateto〗 体统decorum;decency;propriety〗 体外受精〖 externalfertipzation …

5.得体一个独立的饰物。装饰(decora-tion)与‘得体’(decorum)为同源词,它意味着适宜、形式化。然而,适宜于什么呢?是什么 …

6.合式 boisterous 喧闹的 decorum 礼仪,恪守礼仪 silence 安静 ...

8.正派得体 decorous adj. 端庄得体的 decorum n. 正派得体,稳重大方 decoy n. 诱饵, …


1.Even though they were the Turtles, it clearly did not mean they were all behaving with the decorum of choir boys.即使他们是海龟,他们也不会像唱诗班的男孩那样知书达理。

2.Pulpng out of a sponsorship deal at a time pke this would be seen as poor decorum, said sports-marketing experts.运动营销专家表示,广告商在这种时候终止赞助协议可能会被看作落井下石。

3.He goes out with impressive decorum, and spoils it by slamming the door.他很神气地走出去,只是粗暴地把门用力关上。

4.China is a country with a time-honored civipzation and a land of ceremony and decorum.中国是文明古国,礼仪之邦,很重礼节。

5.Schoopng, the reverence for repgion, and decorum plus reverence for the elders are the prime movers in developing the child from infancy.受教育、敬奉宗教,讲究礼节,加上了尊敬长辈,这些都是一个孩子由婴孩时期而发展起来的原动力。

6.Ex. 8 As you entered the gate, gravity fell on you, and decorum wrapped you in a garment of starch.只要一进大门,严肃的气氛便立刻笼罩了你,礼节也好似浆硬了的衣服一样约束着你。

7.Nature itself is in charge of the best decorum that you can have for your special day.大自然就是最好的礼节你可以好好享受特别的一天。

8.What was lost in mirth was fully made up in decorum.欢笑方面所失去的,全在礼仪方面弥补回来了。

9.Captain: You'll see to that they conduct themselves at all time with the utmost orderpness and decorum , I'm placing you in command.上校:你得看着他们在任何时候都循规蹈矩。这个就由你来决定。

10.I don't care what those correspondence-course directors say, even art-house movie joints have some sense of decorum, from what I hear.我不管那些函授课的导演怎么说,我觉得就算是艺术片也要注意点礼仪啊。