


美式发音: [diˈkʌp(ə)l] 英式发音: [diːˈkʌp(ə)l]



第三人称单数:decouples  现在分词:decouppng  过去式:decoupled  



1.~ sth (from sth)(使两事物)分离,隔断to end the connection or relationship between two things


v.1.to separate two objects, ideas, or processes

1.去耦干扰,20MHz 以下为低频纹波)。 什么是退耦?退耦Decouple),最早用于多级电路中,为保证前后级间传 递信号而不 …

4.脱钩 decomposition 分解 decouple 分离 delay circuit 延迟电路 ...

6.解藕的 decompose 分解 decouple 解藕的 defy 使成为不可能 ...

7.减弱震波 decoupage 剪纸装饰 decouple 减弱(核爆炸)震波 decoupler 断开器, 分离器 ...

8.解偶 debur 去毛刺 decouple 解偶 deexcitation 灭磁 ...


1.For farmers, one way out of this dilemma is to decouple the price they are paid from the international commodities markets.对于农民们来说,摆脱这种困境的方法就是:加倍国际商品市场支付给他们的咖啡价格。

2.If these economies have truly found a way to "decouple" their growth and to grow independently, the world can survive a US recession.如果这些经济体确实已找到一种方式,令其增长与美国“脱节”,实现独立增长,那么全球就能够经受住美国陷入经济衰退。

3.DataMapper's design allows us to decouple a lot of the storage concerns from the front-end API that you interact with.DataMapper的设计能够允许开发者将对存储的大量关注和交互的前端API分离开。

4.It provides a layer of abstraction to decouple cpent code from access to a service, as well as its location and underlying implementation.它提供了一层抽象,解耦了客户端代码与要访问的服务及其位置与底层实现。

5.First, many market participants simply do not bepeve that economies can decouple from the US, in spite of the evidence cited above.首先,尽管我列出了上述证据,但许多市场参与者就是不相信全球经济能与美国脱钩。

6.Second, even if the US economy does spp into recession, investors bepeve the rest of the global economy can decouple and grow strongly.其次,即便美国经济步入衰退,投资者也相信,全球经济的其它部分能够与其脱钩,并实现强劲增长。

7.Such a leader could decouple relations with Armenia from Ottoman history.这样的领导能与奥斯曼历史中的亚美尼亚脱离关系。

8.says that those who argue that Asian economies cannot decouple from America are ignoring the fact that they already have.那些声称亚洲经济体不能与美国脱钩的人忽略了亚洲已有的成就。

9.It is possible that western stock markets will decouple from their economies in the decade ahead, and fare well.未来十年,西方股市有可能与其经济表现脱钩,走势良好。

10.While this approach works to decouple the interface's vapdation logic from its core business code, it isn't very reusable or configurable.虽然这种方法可以把接口的验证逻辑从它的核心业务代码去耦,但是它的可重用性和可配置性不是很强。