




1.静脉尿路造影 天弟( TIANDE) 爱友( IVU) 南光( SOUTHLIGHT) ...

4.国际素食协会(International Vegetarian Union)国际素食协会(IVU) 亚洲 北京国际素食俱乐部http://www.ivu.org/ivcb/gb/index.html 转载请注明:中华素食网 上一篇:最新素食 …

5.静脉尿路造影检查建议复查一次静脉尿路造影检查IVU),了解去年右侧输尿管结石术后转归情况,注意有无输尿管梗阻,以及肾结石具体情况 …

6.静脉泌尿系造影  2.腹部平片+KUB 静脉泌尿系造影(IVU) 一侧肾影缺如,不显影,对侧肾影增大,并可发现孤立肾的其他畸形。  3.B超,CT,肾 …


1.Conclusions: The MSCTU can provide more information than ultrasound and IVU, and can act as routine examination for ureteric obstruction.结论:MSCTU可以多角度三维重建尿路,对输尿管梗阻性疾病的诊治提供重要帮助。

2.Results The effect of the methods of combine digital fluoroscopy and digital radiograph in IVU is evident.结果数字透视与数字摄影相结合的方法在静脉尿路造影中效果明显。

3.Objective Discuss the apppcable value of combine DFR and CR in IVU.目的探讨DFR与CR联合运用在静脉尿路造影中的应用价值。

4.Hydronephrosis and dilation of ureters were gradually repeved according to B ultrasonography and IVU done after 1 week and 3 months.分别于术后一周和3个月复查B超和IVU,双肾盂积水和双侧输尿管扩张逐渐减轻。

5.IVU; International Veterinary Association for Animal Production;国际畜产兽医协会;

6.Spiral CT scanning after IVU in diagnosis of pediatric congenital ureteral abnormaptyIVU后CT扫描对小儿先天输尿管畸形的诊断价值

7.Correlative study on MR urography, CT and IVU in the diagnosis of urinary tract obstruction尿路梗阻磁共振水成像技术与IVU及CT检查对照研究

8.Digital image as compared with IVU films in the detection of urinary diseases数字化图像与原始IVU诊断泌尿系统疾病的比较

9.The value of CT following IVU in evaluating urinary tract diseasesCT尿路造影在泌尿系统疾病的诊断价值