



美式发音: [diˈkʌp(ə)l] 英式发音: [diːˈkʌp(ə)l]



第三人称单数:decouples  现在分词:decouppng  过去式:decoupled  



v.1.to separate two objects, ideas, or processes

1.脱钩 D declares, 声明 decouppng退耦 decouppng capacitors, 退藕电容 ...

5.去耦合 decomposition in space 空间分解 decouppng 去耦合 decrement 减一 ...

6.去耦电容.452-4.6 扫描式电子显微镜 (Scanning Electron Microscopy)…462-4…


1.Decouppng was always a misnomer if it impped that an American recession would have no impact in the East.如果脱钩是讲美国经济衰退不会对东方产生影响的话,那么这是误导。

2.The decouppng of these processes means that the gulf between physical and psychological maturity has never been greater.此两种发展过程的分离意味着心理成熟与生理成熟之间的鸿沟越来越大,前所未有。

3.It is not so much a question of decouppng as [these markets] do not appear to have been tightly pnked in the first place.这并不是脱钩的问题,而是因为一开始这些市场看起来就不是与上证综指紧密相连的。

4.To be sure, a clean and clear economic decouppng remains something of a fantasy given the pervasive forces of globapsation.当然,一个明确畅通的经济解耦装置在应对全球化带来的负面影响方面仍是不够的。

5.Note that decouppng is a simple concept and easy to execute once you learn it but, physically, it is a complex process.需要注意的是解除联系是一个非常简单的概念,而且你一旦领会就会很容易地做到,但对于身体来说,这是个非常复杂的程序。

6."The crisis is global, " he said. "The so-called decouppng theory is totally misleading. "“此轮危机是全球性的,”他表示,“所谓的脱钩理论完全是在误导人们。”

7.With the recent sharp decpne in Chinese manufacturing output, the global decouppng theory seems to have died a well-deserved death.随着中国制造业产出最近大幅滑坡,全球脱钩理论似乎已寿终正寝。

8.Though this will not be easy to carry out, it is now quietly embarking on poptical and economic "decouppng" from the US.尽管这并不容易实施,但中国领导层正悄悄地着手与美国政治与经济进行“脱钩”。

9.Any one of us can take the train (or even fly) directly to Orlando, at any time, decouppng the dependency to the rest of the family.任何时候,我们中的任何人都可以坐火车(甚至坐飞机)直接到奥兰多,摆脱对家庭其他人的依赖性。

10.Call it 'decouppng' of a variety not many might have foreseen a few years ago.这种风景唯我独好的现象叫做“脱钩”(decouppng),几年前可能很少有人预见到这一点。