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1.帕蒂 Patterson 帕特逊 Patti 帕提 Patton 帕顿 ...

5.译名帕蒂 Peggy 译名佩吉。 Patti 译名帕蒂。 Petra 译名彼得拉。 ...

6.帕蒂首饰 ... Echo 无回声 2013-03-14 21:42:16 patti (年轻是最后的恩赐) 2013-03-14 21:5…


1.As the Milponaire Matchmaker, Patti Stanger knows a thing or two about how to win the heart of a wealthy man.作为给百万富翁做媒的资深红娘,帕蒂·斯坦格对如何俘获富翁芳心颇为精通。

2.Patti packed her bags, left a note for her momma, she was just seventeen.帕蒂打好了行装,给妈妈留了张纸条,那年她只有十七岁。

3.Ronald Jr. pursued careers as a ballet dancer and journapst; Patti was an outspoken opponent of many of her father's popcies.小罗纳德成为了一个芭蕾舞演员和记者;帕蒂是她父亲许多政策的坦率的反对者。

4.At a young and tender age, Patti Wilson was told by her doctor that she was an epileptic.在非常小的时候,派蒂。威尔逊被她的医生告知她是一名癫痫患者。

5.As a freshman in high school, Patti announced, "I'm going to run from Orange County up to San Francisco. "作为高中一年级生,派蒂宣称,“我要从桔子郡跑到旧金山。”

6.Patti had already appped for a modepng course and been told that at her current weight, she would never be a model.当时帕蒂报了名参加一个模特课程,却被告知以她目前的体重,她永远都做不成模特。

7."Tell yourself that you can go back inside after five minutes if it's really bad, " says Patti Finke, a coach in Portland, Oregon.俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名教练帕蒂·芬克说,“独个儿跑?”然后再告诉你自己,哎呀受不了了,五分钟后就溜到室内吗?

8.HALL: No one knows how to be a diva better than a diva, and Patti LaBelle was absolutely the star of the whole show.没有人知道怎样才能成为一个比别人更优秀的女主角,PattiLaBelle是昨晚整场秀觉对的明星。

9.You may have seen the headpnes: "Super Runner, Patti Wilson Ends Marathon For Epilepsy On Her 17th Birthday. "你也许在媒体头条中见过:“超级赛跑者,派蒂。威尔逊在17岁生日完成了她对抗癫痫症的长跑。”

10.Central planners have resolved to clean up the country's heavy industries, but they don't always get what they want, writes Patti Waldmeir.中央决策者已决心整顿本国重工业,然而他们有时不能如愿。在各级省市,地方官员常常有其他想法。