




1.超时空要塞 - 009年11月11日 ... 你的位置>> 飞螺网 >> 少年热血 …

2.太空堡垒这片子和太空堡垒Macross)里明美和瑞克卡特,丽莎汉斯的纠缠简直就是我爱情的启蒙阿SUZUKI HONAMI LZ居然叫一条 …

3.超时空要塞系列知名的长青动画超时空要塞系列(MACROSS),当然也该有个人入选前10名阿!由2007年最新的MACROOF中的女主角入选, …

4.超时空要塞马克罗斯巨大人型兵器的超时空要塞马克罗斯MACROSS)。「画廊」模式中将收录所有登场机体的 3D 造型以及驾驶员的个人介绍, …

5.麦克罗斯2009年1月 修复工作结束,飞船定名为麦克罗斯(Macross),格罗巴尔准将任舰长。2012年9月 由一条辉指挥的第一次超长距离 …

6.林明美  9 林明美Macross) 20 2.7%   日暮戈薇(犬夜叉) 20 2.7% 7 皮卡丘(口袋妖怪) 18 1.8%   小智(口袋妖怪) 18 1.8% ??? …


1.It was the first time that she had put a foot in Macross since that New Year's Eve six years ago.这是她六年前的新年前夜离开麦克罗斯城后第一次回来。

2.Lisa had gone; she had left Macross because of him.丽莎走了,因为他,丽莎离开了太空堡垒。

3.They went out to the balcony and Claudia rested her weight against the banister while she looked at the snowy Macross City.他们来到露台上。克劳迪亚倚在栏杆边欣赏着被白雪覆盖的麦克罗斯城。

4.When you left Macross I was so worried about you, I was so afraid that you would fall into depression pke when you were in the academy.当你离开麦克罗斯城时我十分担心你,我生怕你会陷入和在军校时一样的绝望中。

5.She would leave there in Macross the sad Lisa, and now she would be a new person.她,太空堡垒中悲伤的丽莎,应该离开这里,从现在开始做一个崭新的人。

6.And to the domestic animation film "Space Adventure" is gone even further, "perfect" copy "Macross" series of landmark attractions.而到了国产动漫片《太空历险记》,则变本加厉地“完美”复制《超时空要塞》系列标志性卖点。

7."Lisa, left. Lisa left Macross for good" said Kim with a lost voice.“丽莎,离开了。丽莎永远离开了太空堡垒。”吉姆失落地说道。

8.MACROSS? The fact that she is the ultimate weapon was exposed.她是最终兵器的事已经暴光了。

9."She left. She left Macross. She just left, " said Sammie cleaning her tears.“她离开了。她离开了太空堡垒。她刚走。”珊米擦拭着她的泪水。

10."She will leave Macross tomorrow, " said Claudia.“她明天离开麦克罗斯城。”克劳迪娅说。