




1.良田 ... 良善[ kind,good;meek; humane] 良田[ good farmland;fertile farmland] 良桐[ good tung tree] ...

2.肥沃的农田 fertile farmland; 肥沃的农田; a fecund imagination; 丰富的想象力; ...

3.优质农田 恶性 vicious 优质农田 fertile farmland 日益严重的 ever-increasing ...


1.Earth horizontal spacious, the houses set out in neat order, has being of the fertile farmland beautiful pond mulberry bamboo.这里土地平坦开阔,房屋整整齐齐,有肥沃的田地,美丽的池塘和桑树竹子之类。

2.Here, besides beautiful mountains and rivers and fertile farmland, we have ghastly prisons and execution grounds as well.这里有美丽的山水,肥沃的田畴,同时又有黑暗的监狱和刑场。

3.Much of the province is flat and fertile farmland, and there is some thriving small industry as well.该省土地多数平坦且农田肥沃,一些小型工业也较繁荣。

4.The river flows north stroppy mainland to some of the most fertile farmland by humans, is now fully controlled properly.这条难以驾驭的河流流经北美大陆一些最肥沃的农田,现已完全由人类控制得当。

5.Just pke a raging flood merciless paws, several thousand mu of fertile farmland were flooded and hundreds of people homeless.肆虐的洪水像一只只无情的魔爪,几千万亩良田被淹,几百万人痛失家园。

6.The city, unfolds , massively takes the fertile farmland, the paddy field proportion assumes drops year by year .城市、经济开发区发展过热,大量占用良田,水田比重呈逐年下降趋势。

7.My hometown is located in the outskirts of Tianjin, it has vast fertile farmland.我的家乡在天津郊区,那里的田地非常广阔。

8.Whether you're in the arid desert or fertile farmland, you're pkely to find all types of amazing creatures right in your area.无论在干旱的沙漠还是在肥沃的农田,你都可能发现这些令人惊叹的家伙们。

9.Both has the fertile soil fertile farmland, bumper grain harvest, and has the broad prairie, a hundred flowers in full bloom.既有沃土良田,五谷丰登,又有广阔草原,百花盛开。

10.Vast tracts of fertile farmland now pe fallow; agricultural output has slumped.大片肥沃的农地正在休耕;农业产量大幅下跌。