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un.1.island in the Caribbean, part of Trinidad and Tobago.

1.特立尼达 Trieste 的里雅斯特港/特区 Trinidad 特立尼达拉岛 Trinidad and Tobago 特立尼达和多巴哥 ...

6.千里达岛8月31日适逢千里达岛(Trinidad)与托巴哥岛(Tobago)脱离英国统治独立50周年纪念,加勒比海国家文化协会(Caribbean Nationa…

7.特立尼达地图您的位置: 环球资讯>> 异国风情>> 特立尼达地图(Trinidad)特立尼达地图(Trinidad) 2008-7-30 14:02 | 查看: 348次 【投资移民 …


1.In the dual-island repubpc, Trinidad is often seen as the mother island.在两岛共和国,特立尼达经常被认为是母岛。

2.In the island of Trinidad the oil is in the form of asphalt, a substance used for making roads.在特立尼达岛,石油以沥青—即用作铺路的物质—形式存在。

3.At a 34-country Summit of the Americas in Trinidad, Barack Obama called for a "new partnership" between the United States and Latin America.在特立尼达岛举行美洲34国峰会上,奥巴马总统号召美国和拉丁美洲之间建立“新伙伴关系”。

4.So the trips he plans to make over the next three weeks to Singapore, India, Trinidad and Tobago, China and South Korea are a novelty.因此,接下来三周对新加坡、印度、特立尼达和多巴哥、中国和韩国的访问实乃破天荒第一次。

5.Birmingham officials are also in negotiations with Sunderland trying to agree a fee for their Trinidad & Tobago hitman Jones.伯明翰官网同样希望与桑德兰谈判签下特立尼达和多巴哥球星琼斯。

6.The hit song " Yes, We Have No Bananas, " is reminiscent of this drum-heavy musical style , especially from Trinidad and Tobago.畅销曲“是的,我们没有香蕉”令人想起这种特别是出自千里达和托巴哥鼓声沉重的音乐风格。

7.Minister Peters, also known as "Gypsy" , is himself a famous Calypsonian. He performed at the ceremony his award-winning "My Trinidad" .特多文化部长彼得斯本人即是知名“卡利普索”演员,他在仪式上也表演了自创的获奖作品“我的特立尼达”。

8.Confused death two decades, since the great thoughts, Trinidad stood nowhere so miserable!十年生死两茫茫,不思量自难忘,千里孤坟无处话凄凉!

9.It was the troupe's concluding performance in Trinidad and Tobago and the first time for a group of Chinese performing artists to visit UWI.这是中国文化团体首次访演西印度大学,也是南京杂技团此次访特的谢幕演出。

10.Calypso is a traditional performing art form of music and rap originated in Trinidad and Tobago and spreads widely in the Caribbean Islands.“卡利普索小调”是殖民时期发源于特多的一种说唱艺术,随后在加勒比诸岛广泛流行。