


美式发音: [diˈkrɪpt] 英式发音: [diːˈkrɪpt]



第三人称单数:decrypts  现在分词:decrypting  过去式:decrypted  



1.~ sth脱密;给…解密to change information that is in code into ordinary language so that it can be understood by anyone


v.1.to change information that was in a code that could not be read or understood into a form that can be read and understood

1.解密 解离〖 dissociation〗 解码〖 decipher;decode;decrypt〗 解闷〖 divertoneselffromboredom〗 ...

3.加密解密 ... Unhide File / Hide File – 显示/隐藏选中文件 Encrypt/Decrypt加密解密 Administrative Tools – 管理工具 ...

4.解密密文 ... String cryptograph = encrypt 生成的密文 String target = decrypt 解密密文 加密算法 Html ...

5.解密算法 ... 23 Rf_encrypt 加密算法 24 Rf_decrypt 解密算法 26 Rf_reset 射频头复位 ...

6.解密字符串 ... =f_decrypt 解密字符串 =ls_installdate 安装时间2 ...

7.解密处理有鉴于此,人们在传送资料之前,都会将资料进行加密处理(encrypt);然后在接收到资料后,再进行解密处理(decrypt),将资料 …


1.The German Enigma machine was an electro-mechanical device used to encrypt and decrypt secret messages during World War II.德国的恩尼格玛密码机是二战时用于加密解密信息的电子-机械装置。

2.Users trying to encrypt or decrypt with the specified key must have the required permissions to access the key container.尝试用指定密钥进行加密或解密的用户必须具有访问密钥容器的所需权限。

3.You did not select an encryption key for yourself (encrypt to self). You will not be able to decrypt your own message if you encrypt it.您没有为您自己选择加密金钥(对自己加密)。如果您对邮件加密的话,您自己将无法解密邮件。

4.Private key (sometimes just referred to as a key): Can be used to sign or decrypt a message.私钥(有时简称为密钥):可用于对消息签名或加密。

5.You did not select encryption keys for some of the recipients; these persons will not be able to decrypt the message if you encrypt it.您没有对此信件的其中几位收件者选择加密金钥,因此如果您加密此信件的话,这几位收件者可能无法解密。

6.It is pkely that you may want your apppcation to be able to encrypt and or decrypt messages from a variety of different users.通常情况下,您希望自己的应用程序能对来自各种不同用户的消息进行加密或解密。

7.Your Notes apppcation will have to be able to access this ID file and password when attempting to encrypt and decrypt messages.当要对消息进行加密和解密时,Notes应用程序必须能够访问这个ID文件和密码。

8.The point is to protect information, then be able to use that information, which usually means being able to decrypt it.使用加密主要是保护信息,随后能够使用该信息,后者通常意味着能够对它进行解密。

9.Because the receiver is able to decrypt the sent messages, the receiver does not know that it is interacting with a rogue user.因为接收方能够对发送的消息解密,所以接收方不知道它正在与一个伪用户进行交互。

10.Each key value can be used separately to encrypt messages, but it cannot be used to decrypt the messages it was used to encrypt.每个密匙值都可以单独用于加密消息,但是不能用于解密由它本身加密的消息。