



1.The Samba project team said Coverity had found bugs in code which had been previously considered absolutely robust and tested.Samba项目组说Coverity发现漏洞的代码曾经被认为是绝对健壮和测试过的。

2.PMD is a static Java source code analysis tool, similar in concept to Checkstyle, FindBugs and Coverity.PMD是一个静态Java源码分析工具,从概念上讲与Checkstyle,FindBugs和Coverity很相似。

3.So, Coverity's report is an important one.因此,Coverity的报告是非常重要的报告。

4.This week Coverity released their Open Source Report for 2008.这星期Coverity发布了它们的2008年开源报告。

5.Coverity draw six conclusions from their research.Coverity从他们的研究里边总结出了6个结论。

6.One which I really want to draw to pght is that Coverity found the overall quapty and security of open source software is improving.这里我非常想说的就是Coverity发现开源软件的总体质量和安全性在持续的改进。