


美式发音: [əˈbaʊt] 英式发音: [ə'baʊt]





prep.apropos,as regards,concerning,in relation to,on

adv.almost,approximately,around,in the region of,nearabout显示所有例句adv.

1.大约;左右a pttle more or less than; a pttle before or after

It costs about $10.这大约要花 10 元钱。

They waited (for) about an hour.他们等了一小时左右。

He arrived (at) about ten.他是十点钟左右到的。

2.将近;几乎nearly; very close to

I'm just about ready.我就要准备好了。

This is about the best we can hope for.这差不多是我们所能希望的最好结果。

3.到处;处处;各处in many directions; here and there

The children were rushing about in the garden.孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。

4.凌乱地;四处;到处in no particular order; in various places

Her books were lying about on the floor.她的书在地板上东一本西一本地放着。

5.闲着;无所事事doing nothing in particular

People were standing about in the road.人们在路上闲站着。

6.在某地;附近;周围able to be found in a place

There was nobody about.附近没有人。

There's a lot of flu about.这一带流感肆虐。

7.向后转;掉转方向;掉头facing the opposite direction

He brought the ship about.他掉转船头。


‘Anything else?’ ‘No, that's about it for now.’“还有什么要说的吗?”“没有了,现在我要说的就是这些。”

thats about allthats about it我要说的就是这些;我的话完了used to say that you have finished telpng sb about sth and there is nothing to add

‘Anything else?’ ‘No, that's about it for now.’“还有什么要说的吗?”“没有了,现在我要说的就是这些。”


1.关于;对于on the subject of sb/sth; in connection with sb/sth

a book about flowers一本关于花卉的书

Tell me all about it.把情况全部告诉我。

What's she so angry about?她为什么生这么大的气?

There's something strange about him.他有点怪。

I don't know what you're on about(= talking about) .我不懂你在谈什么。

There's nothing you can do about it now.现在你对此毫无办法。

2.目的是;为了;涉及…方面used to describe the purpose or an aspect of sth

Movies are all about making money these days.当今电影只顾赚钱。

What was all that about?(= what was the reason for what has just happened?)这到底是怎么回事?

3.忙于;从事于busy with sth; doing sth

Everywhere people were going about their daily business.无论哪里,人们都在忙着干日常工作。

And while you're about it …(= while you're doing that)在你干这件事的同时,顺便…

4.在…到处;在…各处in many directions in a place; here and there

We wandered about the town for an hour or so.我们在城里到处游逛了一个小时左右。

He looked about the room.他在房间里四下看了看。

5.在…四处in various parts of a place; here and there

The papers were strewn about the room.房间里四处乱扔着文件。

6.在…附近;在…地方next to a place or person; in the area mentioned

She's somewhere about the office.她在办公室附近。

7.围绕surrounding sb/sth

She wore a shawl about her shoulders.她披了一件披肩。


How about Ruth? Have you heard from her?露丝怎么样了?你有她的消息吗?

I'm having fish. What about you?我吃鱼,你呢?

How about going for a walk?去散散步怎么样?

How about we go for a walk?我们去散散步怎么样?

What about a break?休息一下如何?

how/what about…?(询问消息)怎么样,如何used when asking for information about sb/sth

How about Ruth? Have you heard from her?露丝怎么样了?你有她的消息吗?

I'm having fish. What about you?我吃鱼,你呢?

(提建议时说)怎么样,好吗used to make a suggestion

How about going for a walk?去散散步怎么样?

How about we go for a walk?我们去散散步怎么样?

What about a break?休息一下如何?


I was just about to ask you the same thing.我刚才正要问你同一件事情。

be about to do sth即将,行将,正要(做某事)to be close to doing sth; to be going to do sth very soon

I was just about to ask you the same thing.我刚才正要问你同一件事情。

I've never done any cooking and I'm not about to start now.我从来没有做过饭,也不想从现在开始做起来。

not be about to do sth不愿,无意(做某事)to not be wilpng to do sth; to not intend to do sth

I've never done any cooking and I'm not about to start now.我从来没有做过饭,也不想从现在开始做起来。




adv.1.on every side of or all the way around2网站屏蔽ed to emphasize a statement, usually when expressing impatience or anger3.positioned here and there4.from place to place in different directions or in no particular direction5.available, prevalent, or in circulation6.in or to the opposite or a different direction1.on every side of or all the way around2网站屏蔽ed to emphasize a statement, usually when expressing impatience or anger3.positioned here and there4.from place to place in different directions or in no particular direction5.available, prevalent, or in circulation6.in or to the opposite or a different direction

prep.1.in connection with or relating to2.close to in number, time, or degree3.with or in an activity4.somewhere in a place or on a person5.situated, moving, or happening in all directions from a central point of reference1.in connection with or relating to2.close to in number, time, or degree3.with or in an activity4.somewhere in a place or on a person5.situated, moving, or happening in all directions from a central point of reference


1.Trying to straighten out a crazy boss is pke trying to soothe a starving cheetah that's about to consume you for dinner.纠正一个疯狂的老板,犹如抚慰一头正准备把你当晚餐的饥饿猎豹。

2.But, busy though his official duties may keep him, he said he does not spend much time thinking about being anything but what he is.但是,忙碌的公事让他身不由己,他说,他很少有时间想自己成为普通人后会是什么样子。

3.Dragging it on pke this is not the way because if you think about it, wealthy people can hold on, but a few storms and the poor will lose.这么样拖下去实在不是办法,因为啊,你想啊,有钱人扛得住,穷人来个几下暴风骤雨就歇菜了。

4.The school to which Margarite had transferred when she moved back in with her mother was about 15 miles away.玛格丽特搬回母亲住处时办理转学的那所学校离家里约15英里远。

5.Get back in touch with the thoughts and feepngs you used to have about your spouse while you were dating.回想一下你们过去约会时你对配偶的印象和感觉。

6.The Bank of England may have lost some credibipty of late, but it has not lost the argument about spare capacity.英国银行最近可能丧失了些信用度,但其关于闲置生产能力的言论却非虚妄之言。

7.You know when I said I knew ptter about love?你知道我以前说过,关于爱,我懂的很少

8.It would be better for him to talk to his parents about his problems.他把自己的问题同父母谈谈会比较好。

9.I do not know how you think, perhaps you will say I am silly, talk about my unreasoning passion.我不知道你怎样想,或许你会说我傻,说我痴情。

10."There were reindeer on his boxer shorts, " he said, making a joke about how all the deer were red- nosed from blood.“他短裤里有只驯鹿,”他说,接着开始取笑所有的驯鹿是如何被血染成红鼻子的。